Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Okay, I'm loosing it but what a better place to loose it than DK.

With the increase in popularity of some breeds of dogs the increase in pros and cons occur.

Take for example the increase in demand for  Dalmatians after the movie,  101 Dalmatians,  was released in 1996. Many of these dogs were found to be over bred and not the great family pets as once thought.  Many dogs lost their homes when families found they had to train them or this was not the right dog for a family, or " I bought the dog for my children but found they do not take care of the dog", etc.

Now with Doodles we are all witnessing the increase in popularity, BYB, adoptions, and posts that have become heart wrenching here on DK of those looking to re-home their dogs.  Expect to see more.

On to my point-CHICKENS.

In my area, and across the country, designer chickens are becoming a culturally  popular animal to get and place in the backyard. Cities in my area are now faced with voting on Chicken legislation.

Students and residents at Kent State University lost their battle to keep chickens in the yard.  Nearby, the City of Green, will allow the chickens but no roosters.  So no eggs.  My other son complained his professor talked more about his chickens than he did instructing his class.  Last week, a family member talked on and on about his chickens and how trendy they are.  All his friends were getting them.  In my area, it is everywhere.  It is a fad?   Designer Chickens.

I wonder if there are   I wonder if will have 1/2 million chickens for adoption? 

The above Chicken, BETTY, needs a fenced in yard, another chicken to keep her company.  She also has fears the sky is falling... the ad reads on.

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HA!   Exactly.   Too funny, too true.  I get it.

BTW, I loved the fact that in the link you provided above they called it a COCK-Tail party

Ronna ... DH is from Raleigh and I find that city so confusing.  I think I had been going there for 20 years before I figured out that the inner loop and the outer loop weren't two roads ... it was just which was you were going! 

Another plus to owning chickens is that there is no need for Chicken Rescue. When financial issues make it difficult to give your chicken the care it requires, you can just make a pot of soup.

I would say something here and add a culture and talk about my foster.... but just read between the lines

Oooh. We do not condone doodle soup.

Ewwww! you didn't (almost) go there!

BTW, I don't know if I told this story on DK. When I was a kid, living in an apartment in NYC, we had a chicken, named Henny Penny for about 2 days. My dad brought her home. He was supervising the Henry Hudson Parkway and Fort Tryon Park at the time. The chicken fell off a truck so the story went. Naturally we had no cage or equipment for this chicken and things got rather messy. Henny Penny was gone by the end of a couple of days. My dad said he took it to a farm but who knows? So if I get chickens now it would be like returning to my roots : ) My dad was a would be farmer himself.

I just looked up the code for my town. I estimate I could buy a hundred dozen eggs a week for years instead of building the concrete floored coop with accoutrements required to house chickens and getting the required license and permits. And yes, roosters are prohibited.

My thoughts exactly. So they are not getting them just to farm the eggs, they are getting chickens because it is a fad! 

Some places might let you just have them wander around but not here.

I do wonder if in fact I could eat anything, aside from vegetables, that I had to kill myself. I don't think I ever have. When I was young we did fish with worms and I guess we ate some fish we caught but the killing/cleaning wasn't my job. I guess I could if I had too but I really think I prefer to buy meat and poultry in a package.



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