Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Two weeks ago we took Sophie to get a summer cut.  She was of course cut closer than I wanted - it is as hard to get the right cut for Sophie as it is for my goofy curly head.  Gheez.  Anyway, about 4 days later she started chewing an area at the top of her hip.  I used some Gentaspray the vet had given me for a hot spot she had some time ago.  That area cleared up but she was chewing/scratching several other areas, her back leg, her right flank, the base of her tail.  So took her to the vet.  He gave her some prednisone and said it was clipper burn and that once she started chewing/scratching sometimes it's like biting your nails - hard to stop.  I have a lot of confidence in this vet but I have to say I was surprised by the diagnosis.  She has had two days of the medicine and is much much better. 

I thought if it were related to the grooming it would have started much sooner.

Any thoughts on this?? 

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Coco got razor burn from her cut when she was cut too close. She shakes when we pass the groomers!! We now go somewhere else where they scissor cut! She is a much happier doodle. I would go to a new place!!

I know razor burn hurts badly,  I gave Jack razor burn once when I shaved him to low in his groin. He licked. Aloe Vera gel worked great on soothing it, however, he licked it and got a sick stomach so if you apply it make sure she does not lick.


I am sorry.. The things are poor babies go through

My two doodles both had razer burn after their summer cut last month.  I always repeat my list of what not to do every time I take them in for a cut.  But I will now add to my list to only scissor cut their face and head.  They both had razer burn on their faces and other places.  The groomer had used clippers to cut the area between their eyes and down a few inches on their noses.  They were both scratching and chewing on themselves for days.   I will not use this groomer again. It is so difficult to find a good groomer.  I am going to have to learn to cut them myself.

You can put baby powder on the burns to help ease the itching. It usually happens when either the clipper got too hot, or if she has never been shaved that close in that area before.
Poor Sophie-feel better soon. It's tough being beautiful!
I didn't see any razor burn so it's hard to believe that this is what it caused the itching.  Thanks for the support.
Once Tori got razor burn (NOT from my present groomer) from her butt being shaved... she wouldn't even pee.  she'd go to pee and like turn around to sit and lick.... it must have burned something awful.  Poor baby!  hope she feels better soon... is there any ointment the vet suggested?  Perhaps even find a new groomer.
In the beginning it probably hurts and stings like a regular abrasion but a few days later as it heals it starts to itch.  That is why she didn't show signs for a few days.  I think there is absolutely no excuse for a groomer causing razor of the many reasons I groom my Gracie Doodle and also use a comb guard so the blade never gets close enough or touches her skin.  What a cruel thing to do to a Doodle!!!
I would trust the vet's impression, but my doodle sometimes seems a bit obsessive about licking and chewing on certain places, like his legs or joints. I always examine him to see "what" is bothering him... and sometimes there is something irritating him and sometimes not! So, I use the command "leave it" when I see this behavior as overly chewing (like nail biting) and he is very good about responding to that. I have 2 friends with doodles who have also noticed this somewhat obsessive behavior, so maybe this could be part of it as well. 



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