Someone recommended Confortis (flea & tick prevention) for a dog that swims frequently. One AAHA Certified Vet's office told me they don't prescribe it because it can cause seizure and liver damage. Another AAHA Certified Vet told me it's perfectly safe and they prescribe it all the time. Any thoughts?
I think you mean coMfortis and we had been using it with Gaston-Cramer since he was 14 weeks old. He did fine the first two times but the last two he's had major bouts of vomiting. We followed the instructions and gave it to him with food but he got so violently ill these past two months that I'm not even sure he retained any of the comfortis. He's due for another dose next week and we're not going to keep him on it. I'd not heard about the seizures/liver damage but based on the violent vomiting alone we're going to switch. To what, I don't know yet! LOL
Also, to the best of my knowledge Misty, comfortis does NOT give them tick prevention.
Here is the information on Comfortis from the veterinary partners website, with several contraindications including an FDA warning.It is not to be used in pregnant or lactating females, puppies under the age of 14 weeks, or dogs who are taking ivermectin. I would read the information carefully before using it.
Here's the info on Comfortis from the Veterinary Partners website, including FDA info on contraindications and other warnings. I would read this carefully before using it.