Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Cooper went to see his  General Vet today for a problem with his Anal Glands and he is starting to feel very relaxed there.  Thank goodness!   He was so relaxed that I was able to take this picture.  For those that are aware of his liver illness, they also drew his liver panel while we were there and we will know the results in a few days.    We worry so much and as long as they are with us, they don't seem to have a care in the world! 


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That's wonderful. Go Cooper!

Too darling! Cooper is real trooper. It's wonderful that he feels so relaxed at the vets. That's kinda rare, isn't it?

I think it is because he has been there so much recently.   He just started with this Vet in the last 6 months when he had his first seizure, so I am more than pleased that he is comfortable there.  

Good luck with the tests.


Good luck Cooper.  You are a good patient.

It sounds like you have a great vet who takes care to be gentle with Cooper!  It sure makes it easy to go in when the little ones are relaxed! Hoping for good results on his tests. Please keep us posted!

Will do!

Way to go, Cooper.

Hoping for the very best outcome possible! Cooper is so adorable. Hang in there.

Paws crossed that his liver panels come back good.  I think it speaks volumes for the new vet that he is happy there when he has to be there so often.  Sounds like they are handling him with care!  Gotta love a good Vet.



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