Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

His Internal Medicine Vet called this evening and said the Biopsy came back. It was a good news, bad news situation. Good news was, we made the right call by not going ahead with surgery last week. Cooper doesn't have a liver shunt.

Bad News. The biopsy shows he has the other liver disease we talked about. Hepatic Microvascular Dysplasia. Basically, he has many small shunts all over his liver. His blood vessels aren't formed properly. The Vet feels that he still is in a mild to low moderate stage. He wants to try and taper him off two of the three meds and see how he responds. So, I am starting that today and will call him in two weeks for further instructions. We may try to cut the anti-seizure med at that point too.


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Thanks Nancy,  I passed the hugs and kisses on to Cooper!

Thanks for the update Martha. Glad to hear the good news and sorry about the bad. I'm hoping you caught it early enough that it can be managed with meds and diet changes and whatever else is available for this illness. I'm glad he has a doodle mom who is so loving and caring to help him through this. You're the best and we are all here for you!

Thank you for the nice thoughts and being there.  Much appreciated.

Sorry you got some bad news, but at least it's something that you can manage with meds.  Thanks for updating us.  I hope the meds help.

Thanks Leslie.

Glad to hear the good news, but sad to hear the other news.  It sounds like the vet will be able to control the condition with meds and good care, I am hoping that this is true, lots of hugs and good thoughts and paws crossed that Cooper will respond and live a good happy life, even with this condition...thanks for the update, and keep us posted please with how he is doing with the meds...

Thanks Cheryl,  We do have a great Vet.

I will be praying for you.....

Thanks, prayers are appreciated!

Keep us posted Martha.  I am so sorry, it is so hard seeing someone so helpless going through something so hard.  I hope weining the meds goes well.

Will do Jena.  Thanks.

I am so sorry to hear that Cooper has this condition. Please keep us up dated and I will continue to pray that Cooper does well and that the vet finds the best treatment plan possible. Hugs and doodlekisses for both of you.



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