It would be great if all postings could be easily corrected within 15 minutes like comments in groups can be. Rudimentary typing skills lead to many errors which I find I usually notice just after I hit the save button.
All responses to all "discussions" can be corrected within 15 minutes.
If you use Mozilla's Firefox as your web browser ... THEN you get spell check as you type =)
And in case others don't know this...if YOU start a discussion or blog have until eternity to edit it by clicking on "Edit Discussion" and fixing what you need to fix. (I know you know this, but others might not =))
Unfortunately even Mozilla is enough for my mistakes which are predominantly with caps. And of "coarse" if you word is a homonym --haha-or just an English word that isn't the one intended you're out of luck. I know there are somethings that can't be corrected but not sure what right now.
Type it out in Word, and spell check, than cut and paste it in here with corrections already made. But if your like me, most of the time I just type, sometimes to fast... and most of the time on most sites people are not anal to complain about a typo or spelling error. If you are that self conscious about a spelling error....ummmm's an error.
When I am commenting on someone's page and I have clicked save then see the error, I copy what I wrote (highlight and control -C) and then click on the little x to delete that post. I just (control - v) put it in the new reply box, fix my error and I am good to go! I really hate when I type not for no - I have a lazy little finger.