With family around for the holidays that may not know the danger of
certain foods for our dogs, please remember to tell them that
dark meat turkey
are dangerous to dogs.
My MIL just called - her sister had her granddaughter at the house and somehow
their poodle found a snack size box of raisins. She is in intensive care
- outcome unknown now.
Don't let this happen to your doodles!!!
Thanks Adrianne, I never knew about the dark meat turkey. Daisy was not at the Holiday meal but our grandpups were, I know for a fact that they got little scraps of turkey, probably dark. Thankfully they are non the wiser and are fine.
Again, there is nothing inherently dangerous for dogs in dark meat turkey or chicken. It is simply that higher fat foods contribute to the risk of pancreatitis, and dark meat chicken and turkey have a higher fat content than white meat chicken or turkey. For dogs whose digestive systems are accustomed to eating a variety of fresh food (i.e. people food), there is very little danger in giving a small amount of dark meat poultry, without any sauces, gravy, skin, and with all visible fat removed. But white meat is always leaner and lower in fat & calories than dark meat.