This is an idea from the DK Doodle Train Group- Bumper stickers for participating drivers. But I think they would look cute on any car that often contains doodles! I'm wondering how many people would be interested in buying one of these if they were available to us. What do you all think?
Perfect! Of course, I'll have to get a 2nd job to afford all of the things you're designing. Let's see...what else could I pay for and not use? I mean, besides my gym membership.
Drop the gym membership! You have a personal trainer and a dietician among your closest friends right here on DK. Maybe we'll publish a book...The Doodle Kisses Diet and Exercise Guide; How to Stay Fit & Trim Without Ever Leaving Your Computer! Jacquie can publish it!
Sounds good. The recipes would all be for stew that we can share with our dogs. And the exercises would all involve throwing a tennis ball repeatedly, so we could get overdeveloped arms and shoulders.
No kidding! He goes floppy puppy on me at least a couple of times a day, and I always pick him up, because I'm a sucker. It's a good thing he's not a standard, or we couldn't do floppy puppy. Luckily, he helps me warm up first by sitting on my lap. Then he reminds me to lift with my legs. That way I don't hurt my back. I've got lots of other ways to hurt my back, like brushing him. Lots of bending, too, to pick up all of the stuffing that he pulls out of his toys. Yeah, who needs a gym?!!
Permalink Reply by Maya on December 15, 2008 at 8:16pm
I'd like to get 1 or 2. Some time ago I found a site that sells custom made bumper stickers... I think you just upload the test/picture, and order. Is that what you guys have in mind - or is there an actual place (store) where we'd order them, so you need a larger quantity, for a better unit price?