Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Mr. Gibbs is a service dog for a 3 year old child. So cute. The little girl needed a service dog to carry around her oxygen.

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way to ruin the story Karen!!  lol.  Just kidding.  I noticed some of those things when I watched it the first time and told myself that I was just overreacting but it is nice to know that I wasn't the only one.  :)

LOL, as you know, the DRC does not adopt out dogs for service work, for good reasons, and there have also been many stories of shady "service dog trainers" who have no real credentials and just place any dog without the required temperament or training, especially in the part of the country where these folks live. I cannot find any info on-line about this supposed service dog trainer, and methinks this poor dog was not treally trained for service at all, or at least not through any accredited agency. When the father mentions that most service dog agancies won't even talk to people who want a dog for a three-year-old handler, well, duh, there's a reason for that.

Thanks for posting this Karen.  Looking back at the segment and given this seems to me a prong collar in the hands of a 3 year old is inappropriate at best.   I don't have a problem with prong collars as a training tool...but not in the hands of a young child. 

Exactly, Carol. Prong collars can be useful tools in the right hands under the right circumstances, but this case is neither.

The dog is being abused, IMO. We all feel bad that the child has a medical condition, but it is one that she will outgrow, and  then I think there might be another doodle like many who are relinquished to the DRC, who have been roughly handled and mistreated by young children and consequently must go to adult homes due to extreme fear/aggression issues with children.

That would be horrible.  I have to believe that the family's trainer will get tons of input after this segment and will make the necessary adjustments so that this beautiful little girl and Mr Gibbs can really be a team.  

I hope so. I also hope this person is truly an accredited trainer. I have some experience with service dogs through the German Shepherd Rescue for which I volunteer, and nothing about this story fits with what I know of service dog training and placement. :( 

Big : (

Yes, I see the wisdom in all this. Three year olds are just not equipped to be humane and understanding. IT does seem mistreatment. Even well handled service dogs sometimes have a rough row to hoe but they do it for the love of their masters. I hope this dog gets to have some fun and that an adult is always with this duo. I would hate for some tragedy to develop.

I'm glad to see it wasn't just me that was not amused.  I was upset at how this baby is handling the dog, and I realize she is only 3, but my own child had been taught better dog manners at this age.  What I didn't understand is why these parents couldn't continue to use a cart or wagon to carry the oxygen.  It would seem to me that would be an easier method than trying to control a dog carrying the oxygen?  In a cart, sure, just pull away......... :(

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hesitated to comment on my own feeling that this child seems very immature even for a three-year-old and has clearly received no guidance in being gentle with the dog. My own DD was also taught much better dog manners by that age. This child doesn't even really seem to like the dog all that much.

I didn't see it but I saw the video on MSN just now. Mr. Gibbs is adorable.

What a wonderful doodle, he is just so patient. Way to represent doodles Mr. Gibbs.



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