It's that time of year again. Hurricanes. Did you know that 80% of the U.S. Population lives along our coastal areas? So you don't live in coastal area. Coastal States such as California and Florida are the best prepared. I live in Ohio. No problem. Only we have fires, ice storms, power outages, tornados, flooding, and hazardous material spills all which require preparation and quick evacuation. Ohio is on one of the worst fault lines , yet we are not known for earthquakes. Most of us carry a false sense of security. It won't happen to us, it never happens here.
What would you do if you had to evacuate NOW. Are you prepared to take your animals with you at a moments notice? Where would you take your animals if you could not take them with you?
Since the heartache, pain, and suffering of Katrina many areas realize that disasters not only involve humans but humans and their pets. Most people will NOT EVACUATE if they can not take their pets.
Please take just a few moments to read what to do with your pets. You owe this to them. This should be mandatory. Make your kit and set it aside and don't worry about it............ Just be prepared.
The first web site is one I hope to do my internship with and it is a simple read. The 2nd is FEMA, which has dedicated countless hours and time to develop web information to help us and our pets.
Thank you :)
If you have any other information or websites with good information please let me know.