Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm just curious… our Dood constantly "holds hands."  If we are sitting on the couch, he puts his paw up and we have to "hold" his paw.  This can go on all night.  If people come over and he sits in front of them, he sits and hands them his paw.  He pretty much wants people to hold his paw all the time unless he's sleeping, playing with a toy and eating.  It's very sweet but it had me wondering.  First, is this a poodle trait?  A golden trait?  Or just a Ridley trait?  And second, is it a specific dog behavior?  Like does he want something else?  And the silly humans just keep holding his paw?? He seems happy, he almost falls asleep standing up while holding hands.  :o)

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OMG, our Sophie does this too.  She comes up on the sofa besides me and gives me her paw to hold. 



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