Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yesterday, I went to the Butcher shop to get Fudge and Vern some dog bones. Whenever I get out of my car, Fudge always jumps right into the driver's seat to wait for me and Vern takes the passenger seat. I could see them clearly from inside the store. I was paying for my bones and a woman came in and said, "Hey somebody is waiting for you and said to hurry up." So, I picked up one of the bones and waved it in the direction of the car and said, "I am coming already, give me a break!" Next, another woman said her husband had commented on the driver in my car and she wanted to know what kind of dogs I had. I told her Labradoodles and she said, "Well, I told my husband they look like mops." Now, I admit on some days Vern looks like a big, dirty mop, but Fudge never does. Anyway, does this look like a mop to you?


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Very cute!  Now, that dog does look like a mop.

Well I think we can start a discussion on mops for doodles, I have tried everything including the hoover floormate.. DON'T waste your money... I wonder if this bissel works??

Hey that's a PULI!! One of Tara's relatives!!!!

How did you ever find that???  Unbelievable!

Ned has been referred to as a Q-tip by more than one person!  If the shoe fits.......

Zoe would be the paper shredder.  Seems she has a wee bit of spiteful in her.  It's almost like she knows when I leave the house and it's someplace she could go with me and I don't take her, I will come home to something shredded....Last weekend, we ran errands and she could've come and waited in the car.  I purposely walked around the house looking for anything she could get a hold of.  I saw 2 receipts I had to turn into the kennel club and said nah, she won't get those, there's a few small items o top of it....I came home and they were shredded ready for paper maiche.  I'm out a little over 100 since I now have no proof.   I guess I'll just have to tell them, my dog ate it! lol

Zoe is going on Santa's Naughty list, for sure :)

My labs both did that!!!!  Sheila sneaks anytime, anyplace.  Can she be mini  paper shredder?

Lol yup but one look into those eyes and she'll be off the list....for a few minutes anyway!

Hey we LOVE mops.  WE LIVE FOR MOPS, RIGHT?  Cute, better than I get.  Oh, she looks like a poodle.  No offense to poodles, but I think I paid more than poodles cost and I'm really proud she's a doodle.  Whine with that cheese?



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