Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yesterday, I went to the Butcher shop to get Fudge and Vern some dog bones. Whenever I get out of my car, Fudge always jumps right into the driver's seat to wait for me and Vern takes the passenger seat. I could see them clearly from inside the store. I was paying for my bones and a woman came in and said, "Hey somebody is waiting for you and said to hurry up." So, I picked up one of the bones and waved it in the direction of the car and said, "I am coming already, give me a break!" Next, another woman said her husband had commented on the driver in my car and she wanted to know what kind of dogs I had. I told her Labradoodles and she said, "Well, I told my husband they look like mops." Now, I admit on some days Vern looks like a big, dirty mop, but Fudge never does. Anyway, does this look like a mop to you?


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I'll second that. Just saw Sir Paul the other night, still cute even at his age!

I agree with Craig Ferguson.  Sir Paul looks like Angela Landsberry

And to think I used to like Craig Ferguson. Well, maybe he does look a little like AL but I think as we get older maybe we all do : )

I actually went to see Herman's Hermits, but I don't remember the Moptops.

ROFL- "Moptops" was one nickname for the Beatles.

Well, I am sure stupid and I even read the posts about Sir Paul and did not put it together. I just never heard them called that, but then again, I am only in my twenties. Hehe........

Moppets!!!   I love my little red mop!   And you're mops are quite adorable too!!!!

Gracie Doodle is probably at the longest I have ever let her "mop" grow and it is just around 2 inches if even that.  She looks scruffy when she is not brushed and like a big mop...and I LIKE her that way!  They look like big Muppets...that's what Doodes are!  I think right now Gracie could join the "Mop Group".  She is wet and unbrushed at the moment.  I'm waiting for her to dry.  With all the fog we have had she gets very wet on her morning walks!  The MOP is on my bed!  I am curious to know if this lady was being nice or making a snide comment?  Some people do make comments that are not very nice about mop looking dogs.

Nancie we just got back from Petsmart and someone there told us that Oliver was the cutest "Muppet" they had ever seen, lol..they were taking holiday pictures for Rescue, so of course Oliver had his picture taken with Santa, and they gave us two copies, instead of one, cause I let them use Olivers picture for the display to attract people to get the pictures taken of their pets.  It cost $10.00, and you get the picture with an adorable frame ...I guess he looked really good, I just had him groomed on thursday, lol, and $5.00 of that goes to Rescue here...But I guess our doodles do look like Muppets, lol..and by the way, there was not one person that didn't come over to see Oliver and ask to pet him, we finally had to leave because he was getting a crowd around him, lol...He just ate it up, shook hands with everyone, and loved all the belly rubs...I just had him groomed on thursday, so he really looked good, lol...But doodles do attract people, wherever we go, and we all know that...I am just a proud doodle Mom, and I tell people that, lol

Oliver is a star now! You should post the picture! Maybe he can sign autographs next time :)

She was older and I think she was just trying to be funny. I laughed and it did not offend me. I just told her the cream colored one was actually a dirty mop right now. Who knows her intentions, but she did not seem to be trying to be mean. I love the way my dogs look and that is all that matters to me :) I guess, to each his own.

Wheres a mop?  I sure dont see one, all I see is BEAUTY! 



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