Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am so excited for this weekend as we will be attending the Las Vegas DockDogs Event at Nevada Wildfest!

If any of you arent familiar with this Canine water competition sport you have to check it out! My Chloe is as focused and obsessed with fetching balls in the pool as any dog Ive known, so I want to see how she does with this event.

Have any of you ever competed with you Doodles with DockDogs? I could use some advice and or tips!

Her "Wave" that she is competing in will be Saturday, Sept 21st @ 7:00pm, so wish us luck!


DockDogs will be featured at this event and there will be a full National Competition, outdoors, to include Big Air, Speed Retrieve, Extreme Vertical and Iron Dog. This event is also a Wild Card event, so some lucky teams will earn their invitation to the World Championships.  There will also be lots of time to practice. In addition, there will be a separate competition running between the top 3 Iron Dogs. This portion will be a televised event."

Here is a picture of my 2 yr old Chloe girl jumping in the pool~ She is a natural competitor and very focused! Hoping we do well!

Check it out~

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Wow, thank you everyone for your comments and well wishes! I feel your support and encouragement right thru this page!
Tonight is the night,.. First time practice. I am so excited.
I will definitely let you all know how it goes.
Nancy, I LOVED your pics of cute. That's what I am afraid Chloe might do, but I really don't think she will..she has no problem ever flying into a pool and we gone to several different pools and she still does the same so let's hope.
So, we come!

Chloe did GREAT! I knew she would jump! She was sooo excited to try it she could hardly wait her turn!

Now we go on to the competition wave on Saturday night! Got us a Dock Dog Doodle for sure now! = )

Fantastic, what a thrill and what great photo opportunities await...:)

Good job Chloe!

WTG!  This look awesome!

That's great.

How fun. Love all the pictures. We took our Marabelle camping at Rainbow River last weekend and I'm sure it was her first introduction to water (We've only had her a month, she is 11 mo old). She played at the edge for a bit and eventually we got her to jump in, under she went, but we did guide her back to the boat ramp. She went in again and did paddle with our help. We took her out in our kayak also, she did wonderful and everybody on the river kept laughing at this huge white dog in our kayak. 

Aww, that sounds fun! Yes, Doodles tend to get a lot of attention wherever they go!

Congrats on your doodle!

God luck! To you and Miss Chloe!!



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