Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My mini doodle, Hank, is 12 weeks.  He stays outside in the courtyard during the day and only comes in at night to sleep in his crate.  He likes being outside where he can run and play which seems normal to me.  I was raised with outside dogs.  Hank is my first puppy on my own.  At first, I thought I would try to keep him inside, but the potty training got to be too much for me since I have a mobility impairment, and my reaction time is slower than normal.  He has never had an accident in his crate, doesn't cry at night, or need a potty break in the middle of the night.  Please don't think I'm a horrible person.  I love Hank as much as an inside dog owner.  Just wonder if anyone else has an all or primarily outside doodle?  Does anyone's doodle sleep outside?  If so, how does that work out for you?  Basically, I think I have one good puppy!  Just want to make things as happy for him (and me) as possible.  Thanks for any feedback or insight you have to share.  Hope I don't end up feeling guilty about considering having him sleep outside.  I really do love my puppy.  Honest.  I do.

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Its not just breeders, rescue groups state that dogs adopted must be kept inside.


Come to my neighborhood and walk down the street and see our neighbor's dogs. He has at least two chained up outside 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. One is the size of a chihuahua and the other is a beautiful, filthy dirty Springer Spaniel.  When I asked the wife why they would keep such a small dog outside, she said the dog pees in the house and she wanted to find it a home, but the husband likes the dog. When it rains, the poor Springer Spaniel has to stretch his chain to avoid the water pooled around his house. I have called Animal Services so many times and according to them he is breaking no laws. No dog deserves this life. NO DOG! I don't feel very nice about my neighbor and I can assure you, if this was a MINI Doodle puppy outside most of the day and night, I would call Animal Services, too. If we don't speak for these dogs, who does??  This puppy deserves better and once again, I feel the same towards this person as I did the woman who posted she let her puppy sleep in its own poop and pee, because she was just too tired to get up with the puppy.  What would be the nicest way to tell her she is not being very nice to her dog?

That's exactly it, Laurie. Who will speak for the dogs? Everyone is so concerned about the feelings of adults who have the power of reasoning and free-will, but what about the dogs?

I would like to urge everyone who thinks that keeping a puppy outside alone in an enclosure behind a solid barrier all day is a reasonable option to sign up as a volunteer with one of the doodle rescue groups immediately.  They are all desperate for help, due to the number of doodles being relinquished on a daily basis, mostly by first-time dog owners who didn't want to be educated on how to care for a dog. Come and look at the heartache first hand and then tell us about options.

When it comes to children and animals I won't mind my own business and will fight for them...even be rude if need be.                                                                                                                                            

Your so right Karen, "Who will speak for the dogs."  UN-socialized dogs don't get adopted and sadly many get euthanized in kill shelters.

I totally agree with not leaving a dog outside.. Just yesterday I broke into one of my neighbors back yard...climbed a fence with a ladder and brought in food and water to a poor eight month old 10 pound dog that has to live outside. That is so scared of humans it won't come near anyone.... According to animal control no law broke.. It is sad.... I several times over the summer took dogs that were outside and cooled them off..

Clearly a little puppy does'nt belong outside unsupervised mine is 3 1/2 and doesn't go outside alone..

THat being said.. You can be right and still be wrong.... I know you all are passionate, I am too as much as my experience has allowed me to be... but seriously, when has anyone ever listened to anyone that has been shamed, called out and made to feel like an ass. I am just saying.. you can be as right as right can be.. but no one is going to listen to you speak to them that way.

Its your right to talk to people any way you it is my right to express my opionion.... but seriously, your responses in my opinion, even if my opinion isn't worth anything it is still mine.. are not called for... if you really cared about the doodle and best care for it you would bite your tongue publically and bend over backwards to be nice....."even if your not here to be nice" if you are here for the "doodle only" then do your very best to not lash out at someone... I will tell you, I am a pretty nice person, I am here to be nice, to be helpful, to do anything I can to help someone..

Belittling someone is uncalled for and puts a knot in my stomach....I have received so much love on here so often.. I still have every single card from each and every one of you from Christmas and I hope to God that my opinion doesn't change one single relationship but I believe if we speak for the dogs it should be to get the best care for them.

In my life, I have never seen anyone respond to shame and again if the overall goal is for the best of the doodle.. you should go with reactions that might get someone to listen rather then be defensive..Yet again, it is your right to say what you want and do what you want.

Just my thoughts as a first time dog owner who loves dogs passionately too

Beautifully said!  Bless you, Jennifer.

Perfectly said, Andrea!!


That was my first thought when I read the post.. as it usually is when I read posts about people doing things and publicly saying they are doing them on a forum such as this.. However this person has a history on here and also someone said has a face book page with a lot of friends.....

What is she just thinks it is okay to leave her dog outside? How many people do we know that think it is okay.. my entire neighborhood is filled with them.. I don't agree with them but I do my best to educate them ... I guess my style is different in my "educating" and I shouldn't expect others to have the same style as me...

because I have not made a difference in my neighborhood either.. every dog is still outside.... I don't know... I don't even know what to say.... I don't know what to think about anything...I am so sick of my heart being sickened over how other people treat animals but also how other people treat humans too.....

These days.. I want to crawl into a hole and not come out.

Don't be crawling into a hole Jenn - people need you and Jack needs you!  Focus on that.

lol Thanks... I think my problem is since I am not working, not doing anything I don't have a focus and I am over sensitive to everything.... and everything just really upsets me.. I would swear I was in a midlife crisis however being that I am almost 40 with CF my midlife crisis would have been years ago.. Go figure me out.. ..
I should have a rule not to post for 24 hours after I feel like It and I might be better off.



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