Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Recently, I have noticed one member keeps changing her profile name and picture, and I am starting to get concerned.  I hate to butt into someone’s business, but we might need to get to the bottom of this issue.  When I first made friends with this person, they went by the name of Ricki and Tara.  For years that was their name on DoodleKisses and then one day, I signed on only to see Tara and her Mommy, Ricki.  WTD!  Now, I have noticed it is Ricki and TaraBear and I am starting to have concerns that they are in some kind of really bad Witness Protection program.  Tara is even in disguise in her profile picture.

The only reason I think it might be a bad program is usually when you go into hiding; you change your new name to something completely unlike your old name.  Personally, if it was me, I would choose some kind of sexy name and I just took a What is your Stripper name? test online and my new name if I went undercover (no pun intended) would be Sapphire Glitzridge. Using the same criteria Fudge and Vern would now be Diamond and Sugar, so our new moniker would be Sapphire, Diamond and Sugar and no one is going to put two and two together and trace us back to Laurie, Fudge, and Vern.  Please Ricki, I would be more than happy to send you the link, just so you have a fighting chance.


The other point I would like to make is Tara has learned to play dead. 

Why?  Is Ricki hoping that if they have to make a run for it, she can instruct Tara to play dead and come back for her when the smoke clears? There also seems to be more and more pictures of Tara in costumes. What is she running from, I ask you?

I also asked her for a recent picture to post with this discussion and she gave me some cockamamie story about grooming her and said her face is unrecognizable.  Again, why would anyone take that adorable little bit of a Doodle

and purposely make her look like this. They must be on the lam!

Because of all my concerns, I have come up with a solution for our two friends.  For the low, low price of $541.17 and this price has nothing to do with the recent dismissal of my lawsuit against F Parker, we are offering you protection by Vern/Sugar. 

Oops, wrong picture....hold is a better one:

Now, before everyone starts saying Vern is afraid of lawn chairs, posters of cats and birds, and ceiling fans, none of those things will be a threat to TaraBear.  If you still feel you might need a reference for Vern, I can supply the name of our Terminix man, who came into our house last week.  Vern barked at him from the top of the steps when he was in the basement.  He would have come closer, but he was watching the exits like a good watchdog.  When our Terminix man came upstairs, Vern sat right by me on the couch with his paws around me and growled.  If that isn’t A-1 protection, I don’t know what else you want.

Think about it, Ricki.  Let Tara have her picture taken without the shades and come out of hiding.

We can help!!!


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This was a quote from one of our "be nice" conversations a few weeks ago...JK!

I was about to agree with this, now I'm thinking you may have been quoting me, lol. I knew it sounded right.

Double whoa.

What Whoa??? Is there anything in the world that is to everyone in the world's liking?

True enough, but perhaps instant gratification?

Okay, F, I have to give you that one. LOL

I considered revealing Rooney and my stripper names but we live in a family neighborhood and really can't risk having our secret identities discovered.

I saw them very briefly. Luckily, I have a bad memory :)

Phew! That was close! I'd hate to be banned from the next neighborhood kid's parade or church potluck.  Or, wait... maybe this could be good...

I would post it asap :) LOL

Ahha!  Detective Laurie Glittertush has been deeply detecting when she hasn't been going over Niagra falls in her new pontoon boat. Perhaps Diamond Fudge would be a more appropriate body guard for TaraBear.= since female  Fudgie could be lower profile than fearful flashy Sugar Vern.


Heidi Leatherrock

Diamond and Heidi2

Not nearly as fun as some.....

Wait!  Since some of you took liberties with your male doods, I am too.  So Ned is Dream and Clancy is Dazzle.

And if I use my maiden last name at least I could be Heidi SilverRidge  -  ahhhh much better

Heidi SilverRidge, Dream and Dazzle.



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