Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have heard that dogs are color blind - I'm not sure I believe it. My Webster seems to have a passion for pink. When he is excited, affectionate, or wants attention, he will nibble/groom the person he is with. He has done this for months but we noticed recently that he could hardly control himself from nibbling on my pink coat. Several days later, my daughter was wearing a coat and he went to her and started nibbling on her. He hadn't done this to her prior but this was a coat that she hadn't worn before and it was pink. For Christmas I got a new throw blanket and I was cuddled up under the blanket on the couch. Webster came over and started nibbling the blanket and he'd never done it to a blanket before. Guess what color the blanket is? Yup, pink. Now we all have different colored coats and blankets but Webster seems particularly drawn to pink. Anyone else notice a preferred color for your dogs?

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Just as a follow up, we just got home from a week long holiday visit. Webster did little to no nibbling, but then again, there wasn't much pink around the house. Last night, as we settled home from our trip, I spread the new pink blanket, and - like the song of the siren, Webster decided it was time to come cuddle up and do some nibbling. I understand science, but honestly, somehow he seems to prefer pink!
In Stanley Coren's book, "How Dogs Think," he details the colors that dogs can see. It is definitely not in gray scale, but it is interesting to read about not only the colors that they see, but also how different breeds have different vision strengths and weaknesses based upon the purpse that has been bred into the dog. Depth, color, and distance are all key factors that change how dogs utilize their vision (vs. their nose, for instance).
tennis ball yellow :o



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