Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This might seem like a silly question but I'm gonna ask it anyway. Do dogs like music? Gumbo has been doing a lot of car rides with me since we have had him.(Almost 2 weeks now). Usually I rock out in the car and sing along. I don't play it loud but I still sing in the car and look over at Gumbo and sing to him but he just acts uninterested. Are there certain notes that you can hit that will hurt a dogs ears? Just want to rock out respectfully and on the side of caution just in case they don't like music or singing or certain pitches.  I'm looking forward to the responses on this one...... Thanks everyone.


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I don't think you are going to hurt your dog's ears with your singing, but you may be an opera star and that could be a little different scenario.  I sing to my dogs in the hammock and they wrestle to get into the hammock with me and then lie on their backs while I sing to them.  Most of the time I sing, "It's Summertime" and "Cottonfields" and they definitely know those two songs.  I wonder if my neighbors are laughing at me, but they are not too close.  Yesterday, Zeppo fell out of the hammock four times trying to beat me and Harpo into the hammock, it was so funny.  Dogs also sing along with certain music so I guess they know that it is a little different.  Don't know if they like the sounds or not.

The boys haven't given any indications that they care about music. But when DH plays the harmonica or the recorder for them, they're very interested. Lots of head tilting and funny looks over certain notes.

My Dutch is 16 months old and he has sat under my piano almost from the start.  I play all kinds of music and he likes it all.  He listens very intently when I sing to him directly and at times sings along with me.  I have started teaching him to bark at the right times in the song How Much is that Doggy in the window (bark, bark) the one with the wiggly tail -- he is catching on pretty well.  So I would say YES dogs like music...

Sulley, 5 mo old med GD, seems to like music.  He definitely watches television.  His favorite thing on TV is the Range Rover "Scent" commericial!  He will stop whatever he is doing and run to the TV and watch it! It is really funny. 

One day he watched 20 minutes of a Natgeo program called "Filthy Riches".  When a man got stuck in some quicksand, he started growling!  He cracks me up!

I leave music on when he is alone and it's usually "Oldies".

Eloise doesn't seem to be interested if I have music on or sing.  However, she figured out that the "Meow Mix" tune - just the first four notes at the beginning of the current TV commercial - means a cat is on the TV.  She is NOT a fan of cats, and when she hears that commercial, she races to the TV to get the cat that's invading her family room, lol.  That tune will actually wake her from a sound sleep.

She definitely does not appreciate the piano - she just barks at it with her alarmed bark.  I don't think I even played it in front of her until she was almost 2, so she has no idea what it is (and that should tell you what a good piano player I am, haha).

If the song is right, Crush does the "head tilt" and I love it. 


Our doodles seem to really enjoy music. They each have a favorite song. Whenever we either sing it to them or they hear it pop on the radio/ipod they perk up. I sing and dance with them whenever I'm in the kitchen so for us music is a fun activity for us all!

Guinness could care less, but Murphy really hates singing.  It does seem to hurt his ears because he gets pretty upset and rolls on the floor.  We've had to quit singing "Happy Birthday" at our family parties or else put him in another room...that song in particular seems to make him crazy.  He does fine with the radio as long as it's not loud.

Oh my... We sing TO Sawyer constantly. We sing many familiar tunes with the words changed to be about him, or we use "puppy" since we call him that all the time... Remember Lolly, Lolly, Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here from School House Rock? A fav around here, but we sing "puppy, puppy, puppy, get your puppies here. He's the cutest puppy, he is puppy of the year"... Yeah. Got lots. I'd say Sawyer 'tolerates' the silliness, much like my teenage sons do when I sing about them. :-)

Oh wow!! These responses all tickled me so much. I knew I'd get some good ones. For now, Gumbo just looks at me funny. I would LOVE to get him to sing along to "How much is that doggy in the window" and have him chime in with his bark right on cue like Dutch.  That is soooooo cute!!!  Thanks everyone for the feedback, they just made my day!

I started singing a Beatles song to Sadie once and she immediately started jumping on me to make me stop.



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