Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


I'm new to this site I came across today..We have a puppy goldendoodle that came home this weekend at 8 weeks.  She is crate trained..When do you think we should invest in a doggy door? Thank You..

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It's the spring runoff and rain collecting in puddles that carries the giardia cysts and makes standing water and puddles especially dangerous for them. It isn't that the raccoon poos in the puddle, it's that the rain and melting snow flushes the cysts and other bacteria into the puddles. Lepto, too. From what I understand, lepto is picked up mainly from water.

As far as doing what's reasonable for you and your family, why give any advice or ask any questions at all then, for that matter? Everybody just do what you feel like, there is no better way or right way, even from an opinion viewpoint. Since every opinion will have a counter-opinion, what's the sense of even bothering to ask or answer? Every time someone advises caution, someone else says, you can't protect them from everything. From now on, any time someone asks a question in the forum, I'll just say, do whatever you feel like doing, or whatever's convenient for your family.

Now, now. Just because in the end we all make decisions about what's reasonable for ourselves and our families, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make informed decisions. Opinions, and more importantly facts, some of which we learn from others, help form our decisions about what's reasonable. Your point about runoff was a good one and not something everyone would necessarily think of. The fact that some people have different levels of comfort about weighing risks versus benefits should not discourage you, I hope.


Thanks, F, I needed that.

If you left me to my own accord, Jack would still be eating apple cider vinegar and on a less then what was best for him dog food, I would still be posting in the wrong spot and I would not be enjoying hard boiled eggs, so you best speak up!!!! Not to say I will always listen to you, but I will always value what you have to say. For me, even in my real life, I usually find people that I respect or have something that I want to have, and then I try to learn everything I can from them.


It got me far at work and in school, and so far, on here, when I read posts or see dogs behaving in a way or being loved in a way that goes with what I believe, I LOVE to get advice from them. Many many times you have as well as many other people helped me to see things in a different way then I am seeing them. I need that balance, I am a single first time dog mom and I can easily get caught up in the things that don't matter.


It is almost like when I am at work and I am educating someone on something, say diabetes and I know they can care less what I am saying. I however, do my job and teach them, what they do with it is their business!!!


It's always good to hear opinions from various points of view...people will read and learn from others' ideas and then come to a conclusion that is reasonable for them.  They might find some warnings to be something they want to heed and ignore others.  It sounds like this person is now leaning against going the doggy door route which I agree with too.  
Please don't do that Karen, you always have very informative info and I need help with opinions! Or past experiences!! In the end it's our decision but I value the input from you and the others, that's what this site is about right??

How many discussions have we seen where a dog has suddenly developed diarrhea, vomiting, or worse, and the frantic owner is not sure if she might have eaten something outdoors? I'd say one a week.  It's really nice in those cases when you can eliminate anything like that because you know what your dog has or hasn't eaten, all the time.

Even when I'm out there with my dogs I can't possibly know at all moments what they might find at ONE corner of the yard and swallow before I get to them.  One dog might be in one corner and the other in another corner.  What if some evil person throws poison into the yard?  I mean we can think of all sorts of possibilities and depending on where a person lives and their yard ... most of them probably won't happen.   I don't have mulch.  My dogs don't eat rocks.  If an evil neighbor tossed a pill over my fence or a chicken bone...there's no way I'd necessarily FIND it in the grass before one of my dogs did.  Short of doing a full yard inspection before every time my dogs go out I don't see how it's possible to protect and prevent every single thing that a dog could find.  One of my dogs found a half eaten apple once in the far section of yard.  I don't remember who it was but noticed him or her grab something and I ran out to see what it was.  I retrieved it from the dog, but it could have been anything.  But taking both dogs on leash into their own fenced yard every single time they need or want to go out is simply not a reasonable option.

Why is just walking outside with them not a reasonable option, though? A dog shouldn't be eating anything outside, and I can see if he's eating something, even if I can't see what it is.

But nevermind. Evidently, anything I say that hints of being cautious with a young dog outdoors seems to be a bone of contention. (No pun intended.)

Okay, I give up. Forget everything I posted. All dogs, of any age, should be outside unsupervised any time they want to be. Happy now?

No that's not what I'm saying that all dogs of all ages should be outdoors unsupervised anytime and always.  I agree a puppy should not be left outdoors alone, but what I'm saying is that we can't prevent EVERY possible bad thing and it would make ME paranoid to even try. 

But who said we shoudl try to prevent every bad thing that might happen? I started out by saying young puppies shouldn't be outdoors unsupervised, for reasons ranging from easier housebreaking to eating things they shouldn't. If you look back through the thread, you'll see that you seem to be questioning every single post I've made here. I know you like to play Devil's Advocate, but I'm feeling a little picked on here. Certainly not fun trying to answer questions or give some advice if every reason i give for my opinion is going to be questioned and picked apart.

Where's that Leave DK Forever button, again?

Sorry couldn't reply to that later post of yours.  I have NO bone to pick with you.  It is just pure coincidence that I have disagreed with anything you've posted recently.  I'm sorry if I've come across as picking on you, specifically.  I really think preggo hormones have made me pick at details lately...more than usual...seriously!  My disagreement really was not meant as advice to the original poster as much as getting lost in the tangential topic of outdoor yard safety overall.



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