Hi Everyone. Tomorrow I am bringing Lincoln in for his first full blown grooming as he has developed matts even though I've been brushing him. The groomers told me that they would have to get quite close to get these matts out. It's from the dampness from the snow. There was another Goldendoodle getting groomed while I was there getting a German cut so that's what I'm getting Lincoln. I'm so nervous, but his hair is way out of control. It doesn't stop growing and it's more like poodle hair. Very curly!!!!
I am in your camp, Sally. Porter was gorgeous when he had long hair, but during the summer and then the coat change/matts everywhere stage, I discovered that he is beautiful short too. We do 1 inch on the body, 1/2-3/4 on the head. Then let it grow out for a couple months with once a week brushing. I can see his eyes and he can drink without having a damp muzzle for hours after. Right now he has a portuguese water dog tail, which is a bit weird, because he had a lot of matts at the top of his tail from allergic chewing of it.
I think the poodle puppy clip is beautiful. That German one is cute too--though I tend to keep less or no poof. Porter's groomer is great at being straightforward about matts and getting what it is you want, though last time they forgot to trim his nails and clean his ears...wth? Nobody's perfect I guess.
Well you won't believe this, but they couldn't finish him today. He was standing getting groomed from 2:50pm until 6:15pm when they finally asked if they could finish him up later!!! He did very well actually, but I couldn't believe that they couldn't get it all done in that amount of time. He still has his head, face and back legs to do. They said they ran into a lot of more matts than they anticipated. They said his coat disguised them really well. He looks goofy so I won't post his new pic until he's finished on Tuesday morning. They didn't want to push their luck as he was getting very fidgety and they didn't want to hurt him. He looks good though except of course that they didn't get his head done so he looks incredibly strange. I also put a shirt on him so he looks even goofier!!! I ordered a pizza tonight and invited the deliver man in because it was bitter cold out, and I only realized after that he was laughing at Lincoln because here was Lincoln in this "Wag Team USA" shirt, and this unfinished puff ball head!!!! Oh the humanity!!!! I couldn't stop laughing!!! Poor doggy!!!!
That is so funny!!! Strangely enough our dog seems to be behaving better this evening too, but I think that's because he so tired from the grooming. He does look much neater except of course for the areas they couldn't finish today. I don't think I want to have him go through that ever again!! I mean the de-matting!! Here is the post I put on the thread in the grooming section of DK.
Just a warning......... he is probably going to be very very short when you pick him up and will look nothing like you think he will look. If he is matted badly there is probably nothing else they can do except clip him close. BUT just remember, it will grow back and faster than you think. After this then you can try all of the suggestions from everyone and brush brush brush. I don't know how old he is, but will be going through the coat change about a year old. It is hard to keep up with. Good luck. Post a before and after pic. It will be interesting
He's 10 months old, and his coat has changed. I will take some pics tomorrow before I leave and then some after he gets back. They said they were going to try their best to not have to shave him too closely. The girl over there is really sweet. She wanted him to have enough time because she wanted it to be a good experience for him. I'm going to look at grooming tools and detanglers while I'm there so that I can keep up with it. I don't think I could afford to go all the time!!!!
Ned is 21 months old and his coat is still changing! Just FYI. You will probably not be able to find a really good detangler and demat produce at a regular chain pet store (at least you don't here in California) but I find this stuff at the "feed store" where they carry horse products because the Cowboy Magic and Horse Mane and Tail Detangler are both actually horse products. My groomer charges $35 for a full groom and $25 for a bath and little trim. That is why we can go so often. If I were paying double like most of you all, Ned wouldn't get trimmed as often at all. I LOVE my groomer.
At Petsmart today I saw the Bed Head Detangler. It was $ 15.00 for the bottle. They charged $ 67.00 for his whole groom with nail trim which isn't too bad, but after what they went through today I'm wonder if it won't be more next time!!! They charge different prices for different breeds.
I did not know there was Bed Head for dogs. Now I am going to ask my groomer if she meant dog Bed Head or people Bed Head. I just assumed it was people. I am so glad you found that.
I spent 2 hours on Luca today. I think he is really going through another coat change at 22 months. He is matting much more. all of his coat seems to adhere to itself too so that you have to pull it apart with 2 hand in places. He's getting more and more fine dark hairs most prominently on his back and tail and somewhat less in many other areas. Here's a result from today with just a little contribution from trimming in some ares. Otherwise it's all mats or the cotton candy like hair. My groomer charges me nothing and I love her too : )
Instruments of Torture and Today's Yield
Lucca is a gorgeous boy!!! He is lucky to have that wonderful groomer who takes her time with him. Ned is definitely fading and losing the red hairs EXCEPT his kemp or courser hairs are red.