So I've been looking for an obedience class for both my husband and myself to bring our 4 month old to. We've been challenged to find one that fits our schedule. While I wasn't to happy about where this class was being held (Puppy Express), the trainer seemed good (retired cop K-9 trainer). I didn't want to delay any more on getting started, especially with socialization. His company is independent and he holds the class at different locations each night in the area. I've never been in this place, only snarled every time I drove by, assuming they sell puppy mill pups. Thursdays work best for us,it very close to our house, so I agreed. Anyways sure enough, we went tonight, and find a 6 month old Doodle in one the glass pens. He's obviously a standard who barely fits in the cage. And while I'm not happy about any of the puppies being in this store, this really bothered us. He was much older and bigger than the other puppies. I asked the trainer if he knew where these puppies come from. He said to the best of his knowledge they are not from mills. Most where AKC certified. I was pleasantly surprised to find the store was clean, and I did like that they carry high quality holistic food (such as the ones on our list). But still, something didn't smell right. Not sure if there's anything that can be done. Not sure of the arrangement this trainer has with this store. I hope we're not supporting mills in some way.