Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Tonight, I posted a Doodle Trivia game and Karen (Karen and Jack) won. It probably took her less time to answer my 20 questions than it did for me to think of all of them. Kudos to Karen!!! Now, it got me thinking about something fun to try. I will post ONE Doodle trivia question about a member or a Doodle on DK. If you answer a question correctly, post a Doodle trivia question of your own.  Or if anyone can think of a fun trivia question, feel free to post it and see who answers.


My Question:


What Doodle has two A's and two L's in their name?

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hmmm, Benny? as in Benny Bully's? or is there is a Merrick out there? a Zuke? I'm grasping here. I have no idea.
There is a Merrick but I think it is the last name of the person and not the doodle's name??? I have not idea either but don't tell Donna!
Do you give up?
No! Does this mean you don't give up?
Not yet...did you see my other answers???  Max or Buddy???
No,no and no!
Grrrrr!!!! Booda, Charlee????
We are out of replies for this one, you are close on the last one Ricki. Yay we have a winner! Charlie Bear it is! Quincy loves his Charlie Bears.
Charlee Bear
Are you giving up on What doodle when through a closed screen door?
Jackdoodle did that, too, but I never posted about it.



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