Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi, I thought a thread on how to care for Goldendoodles in the cold and snow would be useful. I have a few observations and questions. Teddy my 6-month old Toy (11 pounds) and I live in the NYC are so we have had a few small snowfalls and some cold weather, but no huge snowfalls or bitter cold (yet).
(1) I noticed a few times this week that Teddy was lifting his front paw(s) when we came out to take care of business. It was like he was in pain or something. I'm thinking that maybe the cold/snow was bothering him but we were out only a few minutes. After 30 or 45 minutes, I could see maybe cold or walking in snow bothering him but not within 5 minutes of walking on a light dusting of snow (less than 1" accumulation). Anyway, after a few seconds, he put his paw(s) down and walked around like normal. When we had a larger snowfall a few weeks ago, he seemed to love playing in it.
Anybody experience this ?
(2) I didn't think that it was a salt irritation in (1) above because we were on grass and not the asphalt/pavement; plus, Teddy has walked through salt before and no indications they caused any immediate problem (I understand it takes a while to irritate the dog's paws). I can't get him to wear boots or rubberized socks, so I am wiping his paws with a wet towel 3-4 times each (while distracting him with treats because he fights even this gentle activity).
Is this what most of you do ?
(3) If it's bitter cold outside (let's say teens or below at night or in the day) or we have a heavy snowfall, is there a set time that beyond that you risk a dog's/puppy getting cold/frost damage to either their paws or body itself ? I've let Teddy's hair grow long so he has extra protection for the winter (he'll get his 1st cut in the Spring) but he's my 1st dog and I don't know if dogs/puppies feel a big difference between 30-35 degrees outside and 10 degrees or lower, or something like that. I know myself I feel a big difference going out without a jacket when it's in the 40's vs. the 20's. Wondering if dogs have some lower-threshold limit, too.
And then there's the thing with his feet, if they are walking on cold pavement/grass vs. snow and/or ice. Could he damage his feet/paws by walking on cold snow/ice/pavement too long or would he let me know his discomfort ?
Teddy has given me no indication of his dislike for cold/snow -- as opposed to rain when he doesn't want to leave the building lobby and is happy to return in a very-quick 5 minutes or so. So I'm not sure if I should just limit his winter/cold/snow outside walks to 10-15 minutes.
I would like to hear from experienced Goldendoodle owners (esp. any Toy owners) how they handle the cold. Thanks !!
Annabelle is 14-14.5lbs. She hates the snow when it is below about 20. She will wear boots for me though. She wasn't very happy about it at first. She also wears a coat or a sweater when it is bitter cold especially with wind. If my husband takes her out and doesn't put boots on her, she does the same thing and starts trying to lift her feet off the ground. I hate winter, if it wasn't for the grand kids, we would be living in Scottsdale, AZ.
I can't get anything on Teddy's feet. By the time I got them on him, it would be Spring and the snow would have melted. :- ) LOL
Was going to get a clothing layer for him but haven't so far. He has thick hair -- Golden-style -- which keeps him warm. Actually, considering he is a Toy and is more Poodle than Retriever, I am surprised his coat isn't more curly and less straight. Maybe this will change in a few more months ?
Annabelle is an F1b, so she is 3/4 poodle, 1/4 golden. The first few months her coat was straighter and wispy. Now at over 2 she is pretty curly.
I think Teddy is an F1b and is also 3/4 Poodle 1/4 Golden -- but he's a Toy.
Annabelle's not a Toy, but she did weigh 11lbs at 6 months. She is a mini and topped out at 13 inches at the withers.
Good to know, thanks Amy....Teddy weighed just under 11 pounds when I had him at the vet in late-December (5 1/2 months). I'm curious if he'll level off around 15 pounds or closer to -- or even above -- 20 pounds. His mom tended to have smaller pups than the other Toy Mom and he was the smallest of the 3 boys but you never know. Friend has a female Mini...fully-grown....and only 12 pounds !
Thanks A &MH....I'll give it another shot. Maybe it's an age thing, but right now at 6 months he simply doesn't like it. I can't even get him to cooperate with me to wipe his feet with a soft wet cloth after he comes in. He goes straight to the bathroom...he knows he is going to get a treat....and all I am going to do is wipe his 4 paws 3-4 times each with a soft rag....but he doesn't like it. Bites the rag, attacks it....I have to give him something chewy to distract him for the 60-90 seconds I need to wipe.
So you can see what I am up against. :- ) LOL
I'll keep trying....
Will do....thanks.
When we had snow a few weeks ago and the temperature was just above or below 32 degrees freezing, Teddy showed no indication he didn't like the snow. He was playing in it, running around, etc. If he wanted to go back in -- like when it is pouring rain -- he could have done so. He didn't.
Like I said, temperatures now are 10-15 degrees cooler, mid-teens, in the NY area. Could be either the colder air temperature or maybe even the snow itself is colder.
Next bathroom break I'm going to see if Teddy wants to go inside right away after 2-3 minutes or if he wants to stay outside longer.
We've had quite a few days of sub freezing weather since Christmas, even down into the negatives sometimes at night. Gunnar and his brother Tank have seemed to do okay apart from a little reluctance to go out when the wind is blowing at hurricane levels.
I'm very cold tolerant and enjoy the challenge of being out in it, so I've tried to bring that energy to our walks and potty breaks.
I do keep their little feet in mind and get them warmed up and dried off when we come inside, but the boys have enjoyed romping in the snow and being out in the majority of it so far.
When its really cold they have been good about doing their business and letting me know they want to go back inside.
Thanks Gunnar'sDad....where do you live that it's negative numbers ? I'm in the NYC area, so at night in the teens is the coldest we usually get. But we could get some single-digit or even minus numbers early in the morning and since Teddy and I are Late Owls and his last bathroom run is as late as 1 or 1:30 AM, we may experience that. But during the day it is usually 10-20 degrees warmer than at night.
Speak of the devil...he just rang his potty bells. 25 degrees now @ 8:30 PM.....LOL
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