Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, I made a comment in the Photography Group about buying a new smart phone since Verizon, my carrier, is switching data plans and, of course, things will get more expensive if I wait to buy a new phone. I need to do this before the 28th. It started lots of comments, some of which may be of more general interest.

There are days when I think I'll go back to a dumb phone that only does what a phone is supposed to do. But I do sometimes use the camera. I do use my phones GPS and occasionally I look something up. I do not</ strong> text. If I want to communicate I call and speak to the person or leave a message. How quaint.

I will copy others my and others comments as replies and maybe we'll have more of a discussion.

UPDATE: I Love my Samsung Galaxy S3. SUPER SMART!

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Do you need unlimited talk? I like Verizon because it has the best service coverage and reception. But I only have about 300 minutes, I never go over but I prefer to talk on my home phones.

I really do need the unlimited minutes. Besides long chats with friends in far away places, it's also cheaper to call my DD and GS from the cell phone than the home phone. And almost all of my phone time is Monday-Friday during daytime hours.

Oh, I have unlimited long distance at home so I do all real chatting from there.

T-Mobile sucks. As soon as iphone 5 comes out we are breaking our contract with T-mobile.  Most likely going with verizon because that is the only way we will have service at the lake.  Now we have to forward our calls to my parents phones.

They are talking about the fall for Iphone 5.

It was unbelievable just trying to get out of the contract! It was supposed to have ended on a certain day, and somehow, they got away with extending it. For a year, she had a phone that wasn't working properly, they sent it to her that way, and they wouldn't fix it or replace it unless she signed another contract extending it even further!

Sounds like a phone company sadly : ( Did you see what I posted about the Motorola Razr maxx. Lots of people with shattering screens getting the run around.

i have had a windows smart phone forever, long before it was fashionable.  my phone is starting to fail and I dont want to change!  i hate the touch screens, i need a keypad damn it!  I text once per month maybe.  But I currently have an ATT plan with unlimited data which they do not offer anymore so I *think if I change the type of phone, I lose that!!,.  I used to love the new stuff, I would research till I threw up and now.........geez us!  Its all so I getting old?  oh my,.

Sharon, my dd says to go on Amazon and look for the same model as your old phone and you just might get lucky and fine a replacement.

Or even ebay may have new phones. I got my second point and shoot there. Wouldn't take a chance necessarily on an old one though.

I do not have a smart phone, don't need one as I can't see it anyway. I do have a keyboard cause I do text (with my glasses on). My husbands work offered a 20% discount so we have a family plan, me, DH, DD and SIL - we pay &160 a month and DD has the new Droid 4G smart phone. Our package includes a $10 data plan on my phone, don't need it didn't want it but because my phone can access the internet it is required, DD has a $30 data plan-unlimited, DH and SIL have cheap phones and they are $10 a month. We split the bill in 1/2 (DD gets the best deal as usual). We have 700 minutes between 4 years we have gone over the limit once!

Here's the problem, my beloved 4 year old phone is dying, won't hold a charge...I need a keyboard, hate touch screen and any new phone with a keyboard is going to require a $30 data plan. This ticks me off. So I either pay $30 more or lose the keyboard.

What to do what to do. Ugh, I hate phones.

Now I am reading on here that I can drop my land line and hook up to Verizon (yes our phones do that). We were thinking about dropping the land line, changing our TV service from the crooks at TWC and getting some other internet service.

All of this is driving me nuts...I think the companies bank on US NOT WANTING TO DEAL with this crapola and just keep doing what we do. That is me in a nutshell.

I absolutely need to figure this out.

My head hurts.

Join the club. My phone is 3 years old and getting to that point too.  Truly, I thought I was relatively with it but this gets convoluted beyond all hope. Still dithering here. One day soon I'll need a new washing machine and that's not simple anymore either. Try to find one with an agitator. Oh dear.



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