Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I first took remi to the vet the day after I got her just for a check up. They told me to feed her 1 cup in the morning and one at night. If she ate all of that you could do 1 and. 1/2 cup morning at night. The first few weeks she wouldn't eat it all. Maybe 1 cup through the whole day. But she seemed fine and I knew she would eat if she was hungry. She's very skinny, the vet assured me not too skinny but she seems small. Anyway in Wyoming 1 week ago she stopped eating. Would just lay around. It was hot and she had run around all day the previous day so I didn't get worried until I saw that she had pooped out worms. I took her the vet. We started medication for worms and her very upset stomach and the day after the mess she was eating way better than she ever had before. Eating the whole bowl and looking at me for me. She has gained some weight, she is almost 4 months and weighed 18 pounds that visit. When I got her at 9 weeks she weighed 10.

She is still so hungry now, and someone told me she is eating more because she still has worms.
Should I get her heckled again. She has one more dewormer in 9 days.
I how much should you feed a 4 month old pup.

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Okay, first: How much you feed any given puppy or dog depends upon several factors. The dog's age, weight, activity level, and the calorie content of the food. Every food has a different calorie content, and that can vary by as much as 100 calories per cup from one food to another. Every food also has feeding guidelines on the package. 

That "someone" who told you that she's eating more because she still has worms has no way of knowing that. If she was ill and wasn't eating, it's natural that she would now be eating more to sort of make up those lost calories. The only way to know if she still has worms would be to do a fecal. Trust that your vet is using the correct treatment protocol, that he/she knows whether or not her weight and body condition are appropriate for her age, and don't worry about any of that.

What kind of worms were they? 



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