Have you ever let your doodle fast, as in not eat anything and only allowed to drink water? Well, we decided to start Huff on a fast a week ago and he was very upset at first. He wanted his treats. We did not give in. He did not get dinner. He hasn't had anything to eat for a week and now he seems very lethargic. I think he is lethargic because he is getting all of the bad energy out of his body. I think this is good for him. What do you think?
My Dad used to tell a joke about a farmer who trained his dog to eat less and less. Just when he had it perfected and fed the dog nothing, the dang horse died!
I think if you had said you were going to do it for 24 hours we just might have thought of believing you, but good try. You love Huff way to much to deprive him of anything!