Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Arthur did a poop the other day and I noticed a spaghetti looking worm in it. He had his third lot of de-worming treatment 3 days ago at the vets and they have said this is normal, which is fine. Today he vomited and the worms were moving and this started to freak me out so I googled how infectious they are for humans and now I'm a wreck.
Firstly, he's still pooping in the house. I've tried everything to train him but I'm now finding it tough and he's regressed big time. He pees and poos all over the house. I can't leave him in a crate or in the kitchen behind a gate because he has barking tantrums and I'm extremely stubborn and will allow this to go on for as long as it has to, but he starts drooling and frothing and after 2 hours he has only got worse so I can't barricade him to certain areas of the house.
Which means he poos and pees in my open plan living/dining room which is carpeted.
So now I'm paranoid that the worm eggs are living in the carpet and we have all walked around barefoot. I'm so scared my kids are going to be infected and they keep chucking cushions on the floor and to top it off Arthur has fleas too and we have been SO on point with the de-worming and de-flea treatments but he's now worse than the day we picked him up.
What can I do? Can my children get sick? How do I get him to stay in the kitchen without barking whilst he has his treatment? He has access to see us from the kitchen as it's open plan but he just won't settle behind the kitchen gate.
Thanks guys.
How awful. I guess my first question would be what does your dog's vet say?
Worms? What type? How many types? Basically, with most worms, it is transferred by mouth, so unless you plan on eating off your floor, or eating poo you are not going to get worms. Wash your hands, keep areas clean, dont put your fingers in your mouth... you get my point. I believe many of us have had worms with dogs and have NEVER had them ourselves.
It is a freaky thing but you really do have to do some managing with this situation.
First, a dog that has worms, can't control their stool. Can you control diarrhea? Can you just say, " Not right now, I'm working" Then just not have to go poo? NO. Same with this dog. You are going to have to listen to this whining in a crate until you get the dog better.
Be firm and take control of this situation.
Again, what TYPE of worms? There are many.
All have ways to deal with specific types of worms.
Fleas! What type of treatment? Are you purchasing a good treatment from the vet? Or, are you using crap and cheap stuff from WalMart. Use Frontline, Advantix, etc. Purchase that from the vet. If your dog gets fleas, it probably has Tapeworms~ which come from fleas!
First, I don't think Joanne is shouting at you. She is just trying to be helpful and is accenting certain words in her response. There are all kinds of worms and our dogs get them all. It is quite important that they have their heartworm tests and always take worm medications, especially if they are out and about. My dogs eat crap on the trails and it is wild animal crap, so we absolutely have to give them worm medications. Worm medications now have a flea component also because worms (certain types) come from eating fleas. It is never ending (or seems so) but you can get it under control.
Can't blame you for criticizing Walmart. I don't buy stuff there either, if not because of the quality of the products, then because of their employee attitude. It is a sad statement that workplaces in America are getting more like Walmart.
Hang in there. Your puppy does not want to be a bad dog. He just wants to be with you as much as possible. It is like toddlers. They all are potty trained eventually. (I would say probably tapeworms.)
Oh I don't think Joanne was yelling at you either :) She has your dogs best interest at heart and i think she was just spreading her knowledge. You will come across a lot of different personalities on here and I think written words may come off differently than what was intended. For me... When I first started DK I didn't understand some people but took everyones suggestions with an open mind because i was on here for my dogs. Eventually you learn how everyone "writes".
Is this the post' ...pulling my hair out' where I replied in a condescending tone?
Here is what you wrote to me after I spent a greater part of the day trying to help you.
" Hi Joanna. Lovely reply. Thank you"
I didn't realize my help was condescending! My sincere, and I mean that, sincere apologies. I'm not the best typist, terrible at grammar construction, and I do shorten my words because most of the time, I have to respond by using a tiny tiny phone to posts.
I just had worms with two puppies here in March. I had all kinds of them. HORRIBLE. I get your frustration.
I'm sorry this is happening to you. I'll withhold my tragic story.
I don't think it is always condescending when we share our advice. Most of the time, we share our experiences with the same situation. That's all
Hi Leanne,
My Bender had Giardia when he was a puppy and I had a hell of a time potty training him because of this. I know Giardia and worms are different but I think worms are considered parasites too. What we did was paper train him first. We did this because he was small and had so many accidents all the time. I realize paper training is not a good way to start but it was our solution because we had work and we had another dog that we didn't want to catch this. We had to clean often & thoroughly every single time. Eventually as his parasites got better and he could hold it longer, we started to show him that outside was potty.
As for the crate training, Bender didn't take to his crate either. So at night we had a dog bed right next to the bed and a gate around that bed. It made somewhat of a crate but no top so he can see us. During the day time we gated him in the kitchen because it has tile. We cleaned the kitchen thoroughly when we got home.
Arthurs barking tantrums might be due to separation anxiety. Maybe you can put him inside the crate or the kitchen for short periods at a time and slowly increase the time as a training exercise. Sit with him inside...teach him "stay"... then disappear for 10 seconds, 30 seconds, increasing the time longer and longer (probably not all of it in one day lol).
I'm not sure why he would have fleas if he is getting treated by the vet every month but maybe you can double check with them that they are doing this each and every time they say they are? Not sure but it can be human error?
I would get my carpet professionally cleaned asap. Then confine him to an area where you can clean easily while taking him outside often. And please talk to your vet for any solutions they might have.
Janice, I do think I typed to her ( at least in this post) incorrectly. I have to watch trying to communicate from a phone with the hunt and peck method.
Personally, I think she is STRESSED :( and I understand that having had two puppies this Spring with more cases of parasites than I could control. I was in tears, sleepless, and I smelled like Bleach for weeks. But the pups now are healthy and happy. Different types of parasites mean you need to read about what the dangers are, and how to eradicate them. That was why I asked.
I wish for you Leanne, some peace. I want to say, this will get better by your vigilance, your great care, and time.
Know that I have been there and " This too, Shall Pass"
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