Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all! I picked up my Dexter a little over a week ago when he turned 8 weeks old. I never had a dog growing up and after watching my 13 year old son dog sit for neighbors this summer, I thought I would give him what he always wanted and I also looked forward to a buddy to go on long walks, play fetch, and snuggle with.

I knew puppies were work, but didn't expect it to take over my life. I am a little crazy with keeping a clean and tidy house and it is currently a mess! Dexter unhappily sleeps in his crate at night and is in there when I have to go out, but otherwise he is with me. He usually cries for about 10 minutes then calms down. I take him out once during the night and knock on wood he hasn't had an accident in the crate since the first night. We also have cats and one just completely avoids him, but the other is a ragamuffin and that breed is known not to fight back. I have been successful at getting a hold of Dexter before he gets a bite in. I do worry for my sweet kitty though.

My house has a very open floor plan. Dexter stays with me in my family room/kitchen, but gates won't really work for us. Once I feel he is mostly house trained I will start allowing him to go in the other rooms too, but I'm sure that will be some time from now. We also have a large fenced back yard, but because he is so young, he can walk right through the gate. I keep him close or leashed in the back also.

My husband either works from home or travels occasionally. Since I don't work and was the one who pushed for this, I take on 90 percent of the work. My son doesn't get home from school until 4:30, has homework, music lessons, scouts, etc. he helps, but isn't always around.

I had a trainer in last week when I was completely sleep deprived and hitting a breaking point. She gave me a few ideas to start training with and a few games to play. They work well, but there are times that you can see him just get out of control with jumping and nipping and I start losing my patience and just hope his nap is coming.

There are times when he is calmer and seems to really listen to me and acts so sweet. They are rare, but gives me hope for the future.

I want to walk around with a big smile and say how fun this is as I see so many others do. I know I sound like a big whiner. I am the type of person to just say how I really feel. This is tough and sometimes I am just too tired and don't want to go out in the pouring rain or sit on the floor and entertain and get nipped at. Sometimes I enjoy it, but others not as much.

Everyone tells me the hard work will pay off, but when does it get easier? Looking forward to hearing opinions.

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The biggest change will be when those puppy teeth come out.  Somewhere around 4-6 months.  With the nipping though consistency is going to be your friend.  DO NOT allow anyone to allow it or encourage it or any rough play.  When he nips yell OUCH louding and they reirect with a stuffed toy.  If he is grabbing your legs, stop and redirect with a stuffed toy.  Reward when he is doing good/stops.  No rough play with toys.  Also, I think you might benefit from an exercise pen.  They sell them at places like Petsmart or online.  It is a larger play pen type thing that you can keep him in when you can't keep your eyes on him but gives more room than the crate.  They also sell little things called something like fence/gate bumpers that go around their neck that keeps them from being able to get through the fence until they are bigger.  That might allow him to run a little more in the back yard.  When ever you go for a ride in the car just toss him in there and take him with you.  Even just riding around will tire him out.  The puppy days go by so fast.  One day you will look back and miss them.  If you haven't already join the puppy madness group.  Lots of people sharing your pain there.  Dexter is a little cutie.  

Wow! I never even heard or thought of the fence bumpers. That is also great because my deck in high up off of the ground. I just have to figure out what size would be best. Thanks so much!
Great idea, I never heard of them either.
When Luca got really crazy and started nipping me I realized, eventually, that he did need a nap. I solved this by grabbing him, after I learned to always have a collar on him, and leashng him to a doorknob and putting his bed nearby. He would fall asleep and be a lovable pup when he woke up.
This just happened. We had great play and training time which lasted an hour. He was just settling down to sleep and spotted a cat. He got up and couldn't settle down again. I took him for a potty break and he started thrashing around and trying to play tug of war with the leash. When we got in he was completely out of control so I gave him a chew toy and put him In the crate. He threw another 10 minute temper tantrum and is sleeping now. At least that gave me time to shower!
I agree, why sugarcoat it. Puppies are way more work then they are reward. The potty training, biting, jumping and getting into stuff can be exhausting. Their cuteness only goes so far! Now fast forward to when they grow into an adult dog and the tables are turned. They are loving, obedient and thoughtful companions. Eager to greet you and remind you that you are the most important thing in their world. This is what makes it all worth it! It's tough but once you get through the puppy madness it will be a joy. For now provide as much exercise time and chewing stimulation as possible. A tired puppy is a good puppy. Our puppy is 5 1/2 months now and we are really starting to get in a grove! Just like with my kids I have to remind myself, this too shall pass.
I actually have people tell me it is so fun and great. We have our fun moments, but right now they don't balance with the chaos. I feel like such a downer. My one neighbor said that I would scare people off from getting a puppy! :(
I am one of those people. I miss our George as a puppy and she's just shy of 11 months. She wasn't what you're describing though. She was my cuddly shadow. She still loves for me to hold or carry her around, but she's a little too heavy to do that with often. Now that we have Juno I know what people are talking about in the puppy madness group...she doesn't chew or eat our stuff, but she is a crazy lady!

I don't know if I have ever heard anyone proclaim,: "puppies are easy"!  They do take a chunk of time and PATIENCE and more times than not, I thought to myself' WTH"....I'm to old for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Bottom line, it IS all worth it.  At least, from my point of view.  Enzo is a yr old and we couldn't have asked for a better companion!  Just remember, it just doesn't happen.  Every day is a training day, no matter what it is going on.  The training is a lifelong commitment.  And yes, it will get better. 

Never having a dog before it is difficult to picture this all changing. We are training several times a day and that part I actually like. I guess it is when it is unstructured or he gets really rough that I feel overwhelmed. I know I shouldn't wish time away but I can't wait to be where you are!

Very well said Rosemary and so TRUE!

Perfectly stated Rosemary! I too had WTF thoughts after getting a puppy but all of the training has paid off. In time the training easily integrated with our daily routine.



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