Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all!

I'm wondering what type of flea/tick medication you all would recommend. I normally use Frontline, but my vet told me that it no longer is recommended (because it doesn't work?). Is this true? He gave me a script for Bravecto. Is that medication safe?

Thank you! Kim

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Jack's vet and most of his specialists still recommend Frontline for him, I still use it, and it still seems to be effective for us. There is a new version of it out now, Frontline Gold, which has replaced Frontline Plus. We don't have a tick problem in our area, but we do have fleas, and a flea infestation would be deadly for JD with his other issues. 

Thank you! I have also used Frontline since I got Cisco, and never had an issue so I'm not sure if changing over is necessary... we do have ticks in the area.

Karen, What do you think of the generic versions of Frontline Plus? 

I don't trust them; I believe most of them are made in China, and the record of quality control/supply chain issues with pet foods & treats that are made in China has been abysmal. IMO, the small savings are not worth the risk of getting counterfeit product, tainted or contaminated product, or falsely labeled product. 

I agree with you, that's why I checked.  The Drs. Foster & Smith Generic (Fiprotrol Plus)  is made in the USA. For a 12 pack the savings would be $45.

I don't use flea/tick preventatives year round, but even if I did, that's still only a savings of $3.75/mo. I buy Frontline from my vet, and there is always a special through the manufacturer where if you buy 3, you get the 4th one free, if you buy 6, you get 2 free, etc., which comes out to a 25% or better discount. 

Karen, good to know. Thank you.

The new Frontline Gold which replaces Frontline Plus also has a third ingredient now, maybe to make it more effective. 

Frontline Plus does not work for my area anymore.  We had a flea outbreak many years ago and the only thing that worked was Comfortis.  We currently give my four dogs Trifexis.  It has worked really well.  

I had the same problem with Frontline Plus.  The last 2 years I gave Hershey Comfortis and it worked.  I heard someplace it is good to mix up the flea protection used.   

I use Frontline. I am in California.  It has always worked for us.  We have fleas but not much problem with ticks.  I used to purchase Frontline Plus from my vet, but the last time I noticed that he sold me Frontline Gold.

Yep, there is no more Frontline Plus. I was nervous about the new Frontline Gold, because it contains a third ingredient that wasn't in Frontline Plus, but JD had no reaction to it. 



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