Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We will be leaving for Florida in early December and returning to Pa. early April.  We will be staying at Blueberry Hill RV Resort in Bushnell.  Lucy would LOVE to  go to a romp and meet some Floridian doodles.  If you know of any romps in our area of Florida during those months PLEASE let us know.  THANKS from Lucy and her mamma </;-)

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We are in Orlando!  Thats not too far away!  I dont know if there is anyone else in the area but it would be fun to have a meet up!

No, that isn't too far.  Maybe we could get some other doodlers to join us.  Maybe even 1/2 way between us.  Do you know of any great dog parks?

I am in Jacksonville.  We are planning a romp in January and then in March.  Don't have dates yet but will let you know if you would like to make the drive up.  Lori and Daphne are also members of DK and will probably be attending too! 

I know it's a drive but maybe we could even meet half way just to meet some other DK'ers.  If you would like let me know and I will send you my cell number... 

This sounds good as long as it wouldn't be from Jan. 9th. - the 15th.  Family coming to visit. March would probably  be better.  Also,  it would probably be better for me if we could meet 1/2 way.  Jacksonville is about 3 1/2 hrs. north.  Thanks and keep me in mind.  I will message you my email address and you can get in touch with me that way.  Thanks a bunch 

Karen, checkout facebook doodles romp on pinellas. They plan romps in the tampa area. I haven't had a chance to attend since it would require an overnighter for us but would li,e to go sometime.
Sandy, is the Facebook name doodles romp on pinellas? I would love to find it. I am right in Bradenton and would love to find local Doodles.

Hi Sue, any great RV Parks in your area?????

I am not too sure. There are a lot of parks but they seem to be seasonal. Friends camp in theirs out east both in Sarasota and Arcadia by the peace river. I can find out more if you would like.

That would be great.  If you would, find out the name of the parks they stay in.  We don't really like a park that is full of seasonal.  AND not a lot of trees.  Many allergies.  The 1st. year we went down, we stayed in a park under a huge tree b/c we thought they were beautiful, and they are, BUT not to park your MH under.  So now we stay in a park that has no trees and we love it.  hahahaha Thanks

I will give them a call for suggestions.

Thanks Sue

I just searched FB for Doodles romp on Pinellas and it came right up.  Requested to become a member.  Check it out Sue.



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