Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Spoke to our vet this morning. Was concerned about Nina, our newest doodle in the Matzkin home, and her rippies and possibly swallowing the squeakers. (We only have unstuffed plush toys but they do have squeakers. Yes, we will take them out but I worry about the what if's - I miss one or she finds something else to chew on that she shouldn't. She is close to a year old, dumped in a kill shelter and saved by the DRC!! She does need work on a some puppy manner issues but she is one heck of a doodle!!) He suggested this type of muzzle. They can eat, drink and vomit, if unnecessary  in one of these muzzles. They are designed to keep our dogs safe from themselves. They cannot be put on any dog left outside for any reason because they cannot defend themselves.

The humane Italian basket dog muzzles are used by Veterinarians, animal behaviorist and dog trainers will help keep your dog from biting, nipping or eating unhealthy objects. This muzzle helps to prevent biting and chewing on dogs that have lick granuloma or stitches that need to heal.

What do you think? 

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For limited time situations, basket muzzles seem fine, but not to prevent chewing that pups do. I haven't had stuffed toys for dogs in the house for ages. They aren't meant as chew toys. I would just not keep those out, provide proper indestructibles, and crate when unsupervised.

I agree.

Me too..

Luna only gets anything "stuffed" ONLY while under supervision while we're playing with her.  Otherwise she would chew them to shreds and possibly eat the stuffing.  

The only things she has available all the time are her antler and her Kongs (which I'm pretty sure she doesn't touch when we're out of the house anyway).

My guess is that you will see some very sad doodle eyes that will lead you to take it right off!  But if you are that concerned, I would follow Adina and Karen on this.  

I was thinking the same thing Lori!  Very sad eyes:(

I have used this type of muzzle and can add some pros and cons.

Pro- it does allow them to eat, drink, better air flow, can be used when they need to be muzzled for a very long period of time ( versus the quick use  in mesh muzzles).  Although the aesthetic  look is brutal ,  a  muzzled dog is said to be more comfortable with this style of muzzle for long periods of time.  Well, as comfortable as they can be if they need to be muzzled.

As mentioned below, this style is expensive but if it is a well-made muzzle it does keep the dog much more comfortable. So, don't skim on price when looking for this style.  Make sure you measure the dogs snout for sizing!  Length is important for proper fit.


Expensive! Ours ran $80-$100 and that was at cost from my trainer who had sized another dog's muzzle incorrectly. I do believe our style would have run $129-$150. I wanted the best and most comfortable for my dog.

Can not be used quickly.  So for a chewer this may be good ( I don't like it but if it is needed to keep safe and healthy than it must be) , but if you have an attack dog and you need to grab a muzzle quickly to keep dog out of trouble and human out of danger, have the extra mesh muzzle for quick restraint handy also because these take several minutes for a proper fit.

Clumsy and Painful. When the dog approaches you, watch your legs or body parts. Those cages hurt.  The dog does not realize they no longer have a soft snout and will bang into you. They will want to smell you or rub up against you-Painful.  They are large and bulky and cumbersome. Can damage wood furniture, knock of glassware.  Truly this throws off the dog's depth perception.

But in the professional world, this is what the trainers, search and rescue, K9 Units use.  They are well made and last a life time

Adrianne, you may have to change toy styles.  Go get some Kong toys and forget this idea. I thought it was a pain in the arse.

I only met the little Miss last night. So far I haven't seen her chew up anything but only time will tell. When she did her rippies she was really sick so we don't know if that is a 'true' behavior or just a one time thing.

We have had all those unstuffed toys in the house since Samantha was a pup. I put all of them away except the one I took the squeaky out. Now I can watch to see if she rips up the toy. I am hoping that if she is a rippie doodle, that training will stop that and we will not have to resort to a muzzle.

I do think that there is a right situation for a muzzle of this type for a doodle that is in danger of eating something that is not in the dinner bowl.

Jo - the muzzle is $19.99 from the site I posted. The vet suggested this only for the chewing if she continues to chew things that are unsafe.

I just wanted to share something that might help other DKers avoid a possible trip to the vet for a blockage. I think the muzzle would be good for a dog that likes to eat rocks or sticks. You would definitely not look a those sad doodles eyes and do what is in the best, safe interest of your doodle.

I looked at getting 2 of these when my guys would attack each other on a regular basis, but never did and things seem to have improved.  If you have to muzzle a dog, these seem like the best way to do it. 

Sandy, I think Libby is second to Hattie in chewing things up.  You know those two tug/chew ropes  I saw in your picture, well I ordered them that day.  Amazon delivered them in two days and in "ten" minutes Libby chewed one up so bad I had to take it away because "she" does swallow the pieces:(  I gave her the second one about two days later and no better.  Outside of a Kong toy which she really doesn't play with, this girl destroys everything!  

Good idea!   I need a second Doodle:)  Need to do some "big time talking" to my DH:)

Sorry- error.  It does not allow them to eat. I wrote that wrong.  It does  however, allow them to drink.  Which is good for a long-term use.

I am certainly not against them,of course, I have both types, rarely used, but there is a time and a place for everything.

Let me know if you want to see a photo of my leather cage-style muzzle.  As I said before, this was intended for a prized K9 Police Dog and I know they get the best. It was just re-sold to me because I was there and it worked out perfect at training.

You do what you think is best.  Your intentions of Safe and Healthy always takes priority!  I think this is a great idea for a lot of issues and have stated this before.... rocks, human butts, whatever they can get into trouble with by using their mouths.

It will work out fine.  Congratulations on your new family edition.



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