Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We have another rabbit in our yard and I feel the same about that rabbit as I do about an uninvited guest. It is making my life a living hell. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like rabbits. Over the years, I have become quite fond of Thumper and Bugs Bunny. I always liked Bug’s sense of humor and the way he made Elmer Fudd look like a moron. That rabbit sure could make me laugh. Unfortunately, the rabbit we have in our yard does not seem to have the same wit or intelligence. It just keeps coming back despite the fact that we have shooed it away repeatedly, stomped around to scare it before we let the dogs out, and pleaded with it to vamoose. My husband tried to name our own pet rabbit Stew, but this one we have added “pid” to the end of Stew and come up with an even better name for this little guy.
Last night was the last straw. My husband has been out of town the past two nights and I have gotten up with these dogs at least three times each night. Fudge is beside herself all day looking out our foyer window as that rabbit comes in and out of our yard like he owns the joint. Fudge is my dog that loves a long nap, but now she has turned into this vigilant beast that runs from window to window in the hopes of getting a better glimpse of her arch nemesis. She has taken to letting out these whines while checking the perimeter that really grates on my nerves. Vern, meanwhile, is along for the ride. I don’t even know if he realizes what is causing all this turmoil, but he wants in on the action. I just imagine him saying, “Dude, this is rad, fer sure,” to Fudge as he follows along behind her. He also likes to play his own little game called, “Stalk and Pounce on Fudge,” as she waits for that rabbit to make a move. Usually, Fudge is not receptive to this game.
This morning after having to get up at 1:30 am, 5:30 am, and 7:00 am because Fudge sensed that the rabbit was on the move and Vern felt it necessary to come tell me and include me in the fun, I am sad to say I am hoping that rabbit meets his maker soon. I am sorry, but I think I could be scaring our neighbors with my morning cries of, “Get out of my yard or I will release the Hounds of Baskerville!” and god forbid they look out their window and see me in the get up I had on this morning. My hair looked like it had not been combed since March, I accessorized my terry cloth robe with a Land’s End striped scarf because I couldn’t find my robe belt, and I had on rubber boots found at the last minute at the front door. I am also starting to scare myself because I hear myself saying to a DOG, "Fudge, the rabbit has gone night night." Maybe it is sleep deprivation that is making me sound heartless, so I will amend that to say, “I hope the rabbit finds the rabbit of his/her dreams and they decide to travel the world and leave today.” It surely cannot take two rabbits that long to pack and hit the road.
Meanwhile, if anyone has any ideas about relocating a rabbit, it would be most appreciated by the neighbors and me. We are desperate. I just know that vindictive rabbit is out there somewhere doing this:
I'm very late to this discussion - have been gone to my childhood hometown for my 40th high school reunion (ugh, that sounds awful - not the reunion, but that it was the 40th!!!). Perhaps by now your "wascley wabbit" problem has been solved, but in case it hasn't, here's what my husband did to solve our ground squirrel problem. I must preface this with the fact that my husband is truly an animal lover. He'll "capture and release" spiders rather than squish them, as would be my inclination. He's even made toilet paper trails to assist spiders stuck in the bathtub.
Several years ago, we were having a big problem with ground squirrels in the back forty. Okay, so it's not really forty acres, just an open space behind our back courtyard. Anyhow, Doug was able to trap a few, but unless he drove them miles and miles from home, they'd always find their way back. (How he knew they were the same ones and not new squirrels just squatting in the old squirrels' abandoned homes I'm not sure.) He finally resorted to sitting outside with his pellet gun (complete with scope), taking them out sniper style.
Although it's been years and he's probably a little rusty, if you can't take care of the rabbit problem any other way, I may be able to send him out your way. Not sure how to get the gun through the TSA screening, though.
How could I have forgotten? A year or two ago I took this picture of Luca and Peter for a slide sow on doodles with animals. Believe it or not Peter is more than 60 years old now, maybe that's why he's held together with tape. But it does show Luca can peacefully coexist with a rabbit albeit briefly.
Ahhhh, what's up doodle! said the wabbit
Sounds like Laurie is the one that's up
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