Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yesterday, it rained all day. Not a light rain was a "walk your dog and get drenched day," which I did twice. The dogs were bored, so I gave them a new bone in the evening and settled down to watch Dancing With the Stars.  If you know anything about me, no one bothers me when DWTS is on. My family even has instructions to hold all calls from the Pope. About an hour into the show, I hear a god awful sound and minutes later, another one. I go out into the foyer and Fudge is frantically circling, licking her lips, moaning, and gulping. I immediately thought she had Bloat. When I let her outside, she was frantic, trying to eat grass, making whimpering noises,  and I noticed that she had vomited in the house, which I assume was the source of one of the loud noises.  Of course, I was home alone.  I checked for obstructions, did not see one, and loaded them in the car and by this time, she was less frantic, but still gulping.

Part of the reason for this discussion is to remind everyone to have a plan when there is an emergency.  I lose my keys every single day. I have already lost my set of car keys and could not find the spare set of keys or the single spare key we keep for emergencies. I couldn't find my phone and kept running to and fro trying to find things and wasting valuable time. Finally, I located the spare key, got ahold of my pet sitter to keep Vern, and Fudge and I made our way to the ER vet.

Once we got there, Fudge's symptoms seemed to be far less severe (naturally) but she was gulping and extending her neck repeatedly. They ruled out bloat, but thought she might have an obstruction.  Fudge was perfect and made me proud. They x-rayed her and did not see an obstruction, but did feel she had shards of bone in her colon waiting to pass. When I got home, the bone I gave them only had a few tiny pieces missing, and the only other thing I know that she has been chewing on is an antler. I will say they have a basket of bones, so I can't be sure.  They gave her fluids and medicine, sent us home with more medicine, and want her on a chicken and rice diet for a couple of days to let her esophagus rest. 

They said no food and water for 8 hours and when we got home, I put the food dishes up and Fudge sat in the kitchen staring at the bowls.  She would not move away from those bowls, and I disobeyed the doctor and opened a can of Fromm soft food and gave her just a bit.  Of course, I found out moments later why no one calls me Dr. Laurie, when she threw it up.  The good news is when she threw up that time she threw up some feathers and what looked like a tiny bone and that seemed to stop the gulping.  She slept all night and did not move this morning when my husband got up. Today, she is tired, but seems better and ate her chicken like a champ. 

I am going to try and have a small kit by the door from now on in case of another emergency. Thank goodness if was not bloat, because every second counts, and I lost many with my poor organizational skills and forgetfulness. Another reminder to get Pet Insurance, because this 4 hour visit cost over $500.

P.S. Nothing proves to my family more than this how much I love my Fudge. I did not hesitate to turn off Dancing with the Stars to take Fudge to the vet.

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Oh Laurie, what a nightmare!!!!  Thank Goodness that Fudge is ok....I didn't understand something you said, something about feathers AND bone????...Did she find a dead bird outside and possibly eat it???there fore the feathers????...When I am in a panic, I can't find anything either, keys, phone, etc...I have been known to leave the house without my wallet and phone, and other needed things like a drivers license, and even my pocketbook...I do keep a spare set of car keys in the glove box in the car, of course if the car is locked......Ira says I am hopeless, and my menopause brain doesn't help anything either.  I am forever losing things, and I was always a very organized person...oh well that is life, and if I couldn't get the car started, I would call the police and have them take me.....Just so happy that Fuge is ok....hugs to all...Cheryl

Cheryl, Thank you! All I know is after I fed her when I was not supposed to, she threw up and there were feathers in it and what looked like a small bone. I remember feathers on the ground on one of our walks and I think she got into a dead something :( I hear you loud and clear on the Menopause brain...LOL!!

Oh gosh...I am Glad she is okay....So was it a bone or feathers she choked on? Molly eats bones all the time so I am just wondering if we need o be more careful.

Thanks for the reminder!

Jennifer, Fudge has chewed bones forever and no problems. I think she picked up something on our walk. Thank you!

Yikes! Glad Fudge is okay. Too bad I can't say the same about the very expensive feather creature. :-) :-)


Thanks, Jennifer. That bird was expensive :) LOL

How scarey but glad to know dear Fudge is ok......I know what you mean about Thursdays and Person of Interest.  DH and I got hooked on that show this season and are sad the it is over until the fall:(

Colleen, Thank you! It is my new favorite show and I plan on buying season one and starting over this summer.

SOOO happy that Fudge is okay.  Oh, Fudgie... what did you get into?  Your post was a good reminder to me to make sure the number and address of the nearest Emergency Vet is prominently posted in our house.  Was it overkill that I painted it on the front door? :)

LOL, Lori. I drove over there and had the wrong place. I forgot about that and had to call the operator. I need a better system :)

Oh Laurie.... how awful, poor Fudge.  I am so glad to hear Fudge is better and on the mend.    Sounds like she ate a brid or something.  My two are always getting into something !!!! 

Thanks, Barbara.



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