Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everyone,


Twice over the last 2 weeks, Sadie has thrown up in the car.  It isn't the yellow bile stuff, but it is semi digested food.  She didn't give me any signals that she had to pee or poop while we were in the car.  Then, both times, shortly after we got out of the car, she peed and pooped.  Could she be throwing up because she was "Holding" her poop in while in the car?  She doesn't get car sick unless this is the start of a new trend.  Thanks.


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I'm positive that the vomiting is not related to "holding" her poop, in the car or any other time. The poop is the waste product after food has been digested, and the vomit is food that didn't make it through the digestive process. Nervousness could certainly be playing a role in both cases, though.
My guy Jack has some issues with going potty in the the yard and when a walk just isn't possible, he "holds" it. It is not at all unusual for him to go 14 hours or more without peeing, and 24 hours without pooping. While this is not a good thing for his overall health, he never, ever vomits.
As much as possible, I would try to wait at least an hour after Sadie eats before taking her in the car. That should help with the motion sickness.
Gavin (7.5 month old standard GD) is generally only interested in pottying in our yard. He will hold until he is on home turf unless it is unavoidable. I am wondering also if I need to be concerned.
Holding urine for excessive periods of time on a regular basis can cause bladder or kidney problems according to Jack's specialist. This is of course exacerbated in dogs who also have to take steroids on a regular basis. Holding the feces regularly for long periods of time can lead to problems with the anal glands.
But again, we're talking about very long periods of time...12-24 hours...on a daily or weekly basis. If it only happens occasionally, I wouldn't worry.
It only happens occasionally - like last night we walked over to a friends and were there the whole evening and he would not go - even after drinking and eating. We got a ride home and soon as we got to the back yard he went almost immediately. DH claims he likes the home field advantage. I don't mind during walks and such, as I never have to clean up after him in public. I was a bit concerned when he over-nighted at the kennel though. He peed but did not poop until we got him home.
A lot of dogs, especially those who were housetrained at a later age or have experienced difficulty with housebreaking, have trouble knowing where the appropriate place for pottying is when they out of their familiar surroundings. Sometimes they will just hold it until they get to a place where they are sure they won't be making a mistake. As they get older, it usually gets easier for them to "go" in unfamiliar surroundings.
And stress or change of routine will often have a constipating effect as well. There are lots of humans who become constipated while traveling, lol.
Tori actually started pooping in the car last summer at about 15/16 months. She used to vomit only, but since then (her first episode of pooping) -she doesn't throw up, but has pooped in the car or immediately after jumping out of the car. I am SURE it is her nerves.... but, she only does it when we are going not coming home. ????
the immediate poop could be from stress from riding in the car. As could the vomit.



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