Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Elly is 11 weeks old and since I work from home, I have been able to give her the attention she needs regarding crate training and taking her out often etc. Sometimes though for no apparent reason she pees on the kitchen floor! Sometimes right after or shortly after we've come in from outside. My theory is that she just doesn't have the bladder control yet nor does she know yet that potty is outside--even tho we have a small celebration each time she goes outside! 

I'd love to know when your pup stopped having accidents and did they ever start letting you know when they need to go outside? like maybe sit at the door or whine at the door? --I'm also using the crate less for her naps during the day since she's always by my side and ends up falling asleep near me. I don't think that has anything to do with it as we still immediately go out when she wakes but thought I'd mention!



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You are so right Karen, wherever I am in the house Henry is usually no more than 10 feet away from me. i am definitely going to pay more attention to his physical cues...lord knows he stares at me and will let out a bark to let me know he's hungry LOL. He has been able to "hold it" up to 10 hours at night so for him to have multiple accidents in one day really floored me! We've been experiencing a week long triple digit heat wave which both of us are hating (do most doodles get hot easily? Henry sure does.) and our trainer pointed out that the heat might be a contributing factor along with all the rest of the things I mentioned. There are moments that this feels an awful lot like potty training my children LOL.

I used treats to train my two to go back into the house after they did their business. I'd take them out, and I'd say, "Hurry up," when they were peeing. Immediately after, I'd say, "Inside," and we'd run back inside. Both "Hurry up" and "Inside" became useful commands. Both of my dogs will pee on demand to the words, "Hurry up," and they stop what they're doing and race back into the house when they hear me say, "Inside." In terms of giving treats as rewards, I treat them when they are back in the house, but not for peeing. I hope this helps a bit. 

It does help, and it's a great idea.

You also brought up another subject I forgot to mention, which is using a "command" word or term for "do your potty business". I always said "Good pee-pee!" and "Good potty!" when the puppy did his business outdoors. (I'm sure my neighbors were amused, but I'm not easily embarrassed, lol) Pretty quickly, the dogs understood what "go pee-pee" or "go potty"meant, and that's how you get peeing on demand. The exact words don;t matter, as long as you always use the same ones. 



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