Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The deal on my new house closes this week. I get my keys Friday and the movers are booked for the following Thursday. I can't believe it! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time.

I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on getting the doodles used to their new home? I'm planning on visiting every day starting Friday until next Thursday when the movers come, and then we'll be living in the house as of next Thursday, back at work the Monday after.

I'm going to bring loads of stuff with me for each visit, and I intend to bring the doodles as much as I can and let them explore.

Has anyone had any bad experiences with moving homes? I went back and found Allyson's blog about Tacky being nervous, and I'm wondering if Winston might get a bit nervous too. How about Kitties? do they get stressed out?

One of the things I'm worried about is leaving them alone in the house for the first time. What if they think I'm leaving them there in that strange place? I have images in my head of Winnie chewing his paws off and Sophie crying and howling up a storm. I'm probably totally over reacting but still. I intend to transition them slowly and I'm sure they will respond well once they see all their and my stuff is there, but I'm a bit anxious about the move as it is and then worrying about them on top of it. I know I need to relax because they will pick up on my feelings, but that is so much easier said than done.

Do you think the official moving day will be too chaotic for them? perhaps I should find a sitter... So many questions!


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I haven't moved with the dogs but I think taking them to the house beforehand as you intend to do is good. Also, having their familiar things will help. I would definitely think a sitter for moving day is ideal. You don't want any pet escaping, being trampled etc. Then you'll have several days to get them used to their new home before work. I think it will be fine and you will all love your new found freedom.

Thanks F. That is a good point about escaping. I hadn't thought of it. Even loading the truck from the apartment will be challenging because Sophie and Winnie love to run loose in the hallways and drive the neighbours nuts. They will get in the way for sure.

We moved with our little Mini Poodle from LV to Ohio to CT to FL and never had any problems.  I would think that taking them there several times before is good as well as over the week-end you could leave them for just little bits of time and then come back to show them that when you leave you will be back.

That's a good point. There will be lots of opportunities to leave them for little bits as my brother is coming up to help that week-end and I am imagining a bunch of trips to Home Depot and such.

I second the sitter for moving day.  As for kitty, my cat was very stressed with moving.  Be sure to have a cat carrier for her and if she is home during moving day keep her in the cat carrier so she doesn't get out with all the coming and going of the movers. 

And, being excited and nervous is normal.  Congratulations and enjoy your new home.

Thanks Anne.

Seeing, and more importantly, smelling their belongings and all the familiar household furnishings in the new place will do a lot to make them feel at home. I wouldn't worry. It's been a very long time since I moved with a dog, but she adjusted beautifully with no problems at all, and she hadn't had the chance to visit beforehand, either. Three days of living in the house, sleeping there, eating there, etc. should make it no big deal when you go back to work. And they will love having a yard!

I did move with a cat, and it was very easy, despite the fact that she was 11.5 years old at the time.  Lots of people told me moving was harder on cats than dogs, but my cat took to the new house immediately, and in fact started hanging out in the open more instead of hiding in the closet whenever anyone came over. The only thing that was hard for her was when the movers were all over the old house carrying everything out. I kept her in her carrier in a closed empty bathroom while they were moving everything over to the new house, and then took her over after they were gone. She was the last one of my possessions to leave, lol.

As long as they have you, they will all do fine.

I'm so excited for you!


Ha. I just wrote about the cat and then read what you wrote. I agree, Karen.  The cat will have the hardest time.  Secure her safely and out of the way.  She will love hiding for a few hours and then out she will be to explore.  FUN

Actually, she's a remarkably friendly and confident cat. Rarely hides, even from rambunctious doodles (mine and visitors). I think she'll handle it well. She's back in ovarian remnant induced heat again today so hopefully it doesn't last another 8 days! not what either of us needs right now!

Thanks Karen. That's a good call about the bathroom.

Thanks Andrea! This is all very reassuring.

Cats I think are the hardest and Kitty will do just fine.  I moved out of my own home into my husband's home and then back.

I moved a blind dog, 12 years old at the time, to the the house. UGH. I was so worried. He was such a gentle trooper and did just fine.  As long as he felt safe, he was.  And, I did spend a few days there with him before I went back to work. 

My suggestions:

  • For kitty, move her in a crate, pick a room and place her in there until the movers are done. She will be most afraid.
  • The dogs--leave them outside in the new yard to wrestle and play. 

That way, all doors that are being opened and shut won't have them escaping.

I would move the animals first and secure them first.  Then proceed with all the other things.

The dogs are not going to have any problems by the time you leave for work again on Monday. I'll bet my paycheck on that! 

Wish I were there.  This sounds like fun. Bye bye lady downstairs. I already don't miss you.



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