Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
The deal on my new house closes this week. I get my keys Friday and the movers are booked for the following Thursday. I can't believe it! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time.
I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on getting the doodles used to their new home? I'm planning on visiting every day starting Friday until next Thursday when the movers come, and then we'll be living in the house as of next Thursday, back at work the Monday after.
I'm going to bring loads of stuff with me for each visit, and I intend to bring the doodles as much as I can and let them explore.
Has anyone had any bad experiences with moving homes? I went back and found Allyson's blog about Tacky being nervous, and I'm wondering if Winston might get a bit nervous too. How about Kitties? do they get stressed out?
One of the things I'm worried about is leaving them alone in the house for the first time. What if they think I'm leaving them there in that strange place? I have images in my head of Winnie chewing his paws off and Sophie crying and howling up a storm. I'm probably totally over reacting but still. I intend to transition them slowly and I'm sure they will respond well once they see all their and my stuff is there, but I'm a bit anxious about the move as it is and then worrying about them on top of it. I know I need to relax because they will pick up on my feelings, but that is so much easier said than done.
Do you think the official moving day will be too chaotic for them? perhaps I should find a sitter... So many questions!
What I did was take them to the house for quite a few trips before we moved in. We took some loads before our official "move day" and I did some cleaning, so they would be there with me while I did that sort of stuff. Taquito would not come out of the kitchen for a while, it was pretty funny.
On move day, they stayed with my parents, just down the road. As soon as all the furniture was in and some of the main boxes were unpacked, we brought them back over. We made sure their beds, crates, food bowls, etc...were unpacked and in their spots. They were MUCH better once the furniture was inside the house - the smells were more familiar. I really think after the first night of us sleeping there with dogs, they were 100% fine. Try not to worry too much.
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