Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last night when my 8 week old goldendoodle puppy was laying down (after sleeping) I bent over to pick her up to put her leash on to go outside one last time before bedtime.  As I bent over, I heard a quiet, slight growl.  So I did it again thinking she was just making sounds.  As I picked her up, she growled, barked and twisted around to bite me.  I was devastated.  What should I do?

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I was just give her a Firm "NO".  Let her know you are in charge.  Show her no fear.  Don't approach her with caution or any sign you have any type of fear of her.  Just a nice firm NO.  Just like if she is nipping or anything else you don't want her doing.  You are the boss.  You can also hand feed her food to her sitting on the floor by her bowl as a way to show her you are the one in control of everything etc.

I have a very chatty dog. He has growled since day one. He growls when is plays. Often misunderstood. He talks all the time.

My thoughts are that this is your puppy too.

My dog that bit, never growled

was she sleeping and startled or fully awake ??

She was awake.  She had been sleeping on her side, and her eyes were open.  We were talking to her, and as soon as I put my hands to her sides to pick her up, that's when she growled.  But the second time, and she barked/tried to bite, I was shocked.  I tried it again this morning to see what she would do, and she did it again, very quietly.  I grabbed her snout and strongly said, "No!"  All day long, I've been trying to reinforce that I am pack leader.  I hope that this is something I can break her of.  We have 3 young children. 

One small tip: Many dogs greatly dislike being picked up. They become very insecure when their feet are not on the ground. Can you try just putting her leash on her and walking her outside rather than carrying her?  

It's also strongly advised that young children never pick up a puppy. As much as possible, it's best to let a puppy walk and not carry them except when really necessary. 

How long have you had the puppy?  Typically between 6 and 8 weeks of age, their mother will teach them a lot of manners. One is not growling.  I agree that a firm NO will help. I also imitate mom and will get some of the skin at the top of their neck and give them a firm shake.  Not anything that is going to be painful or harmful - but firm enough that they feel it. When I do that, a firm NO goes along with it.  That is also how I have taught the  "Leave it" command.  After only once or twice - now when I say NO or Leave it. They stop the behavior.

We just got her on Sunday, 5 days ago.  She just turned 8 weeks that day.  She was well socialized with children and people.  She's been so loving and cuddly.  That's why I am so shocked by it.  I will try your neck suggestion, thank you!

Good, idea .....that's exactly what I would do.....thank goodness I have never had that problem....

Millie, whom is nearly 6 months also growled as a puppy on occasion when being picked up.  she didn't like it at all.  She has shown a few aggressive tendencies also, but I think she's going to be just fine.  We stopped picking her up often, and only did it as needed.  Like to get in the vehicle, I would do it slowly and she'd accept it fine.  I now have to pick her up to put her on a grooming table, and she doesn't like it, but she doesn't growl.  She's 43 pounds now.  We also have small kids, so an aggressive dog just wouldn't be possible to keep.  I work with her daily on resource guarding as well, and feel she's doing wonderful.  I still keep a watchful eye on her and the kids because you just never know. I advise that you and the kids hand feed her for while as well.  I think they say the first two weeks.  I didn't do that with Millie, but just gave her attention while she was eating and dropped treats in the bowl etc..  She got to where she'd trust me, but still growled at the kids.  Didn't realize we were all suppose to do it, oops.

Anyway, best of luck!  I know how shocking and upsetting it can be when they show that side!  Hang in there.  They are so much work, but worth every minute of it! 

Archie also does that when he's busy getting into trouble with something he knows he shouldn't have. What we are going to start doing (at our puppy sitters suggestion) is to turn him on his side or back and hold him down until he stops struggling so he know who is dominant.

Hi Suzie, I know we can't discuss breeders on the site but if you want please email me at to discuss further.  I suggest that because we also got a puppy who turned eight weeks last Sunday from a Ohio breeder and I am wondering if it is the same one.  If so it would be nice to keep in touch with someone who has a puppy from the same litter.  Mine has been very friendly and playful.  I have only heard little growl noises when he is playing with a toy.  Once he did a little growl at us but seemed to be saying "lets play." i brought him to the vet today and the vet said he is just playing like he did with his littermates and a firm no or closing his mouth should put him in line.  He said there is rarely an agression issue with any 8 week old puppy and very rarely from a goldendoodle. 

My puppy also is very "verbal".  He started growling at my vet after he got a shot up his nose.  He growls and barks a lot when he plays with his toys.  But he also will give a little growl if sleepy/sleeping and we try to move him.  As Karen and Jackdoodle said, the trainer we hired said small dogs do not like to be picked up, they do not feel safe.  She said as much as we want to pick them up and hug and kiss them, we should not pick him up at all unless we have to - like to put him in the car.  We keep a leash on him even in the house, so if we need to move him we can pick up the leash.  or I use a treat and that gets him up on his own.  He is much better now that we stopped picking him up!



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