I am quite surprised at the amount of shedding our 12 week old goldenddodle does. I thought GDs are supposed to shed a lot less. I notice that she sheds quite a bit more after brushing. Is it her age or the brushing that is making this happen. We've also bathed her about once a week for the past 3 weeks; potty accidents, you see. Is that making the shedding worse? How often should we be bathing her if she is accident-free?
Fergie didn't shed at all as a puppy. At 10-11 months is when it started. Now she's a year and still shedding. It's that glob thing on the dark carpet. It's the golden type shedding. I brush her about every three days and it seems to help. I think I'm going to buy one of those Les Pooch brushes everyone is raving about. Does that really get all that soft fluffy stuff out good. Maybe I'll finally order one today. My DH is disappointed about the shedding thing but what can you do. We really do love Fergie to death.