My Webster is on Revolution and I was going to start Charlotte on Revolution. The vet said there is no problem putting an 8 wk old puppy on Revolution but I thought I'd "google" it to make sure. I came across a post on saying that Revolution is dangerous to goldendoodles and can cause seizures. The post is from Goldendoodle World and was made in 2007. Webster and 3 other goldendoodles in our family (mom & sis have doodles) have been on Revolution for at least several months if not a year. Is anyone else on Revolution? Anyone hear of the scare?? I know how easy for this sort of thing to be a hoax and I'm not one to overreact but I do like to be cautious :-)
Jennifer, you need to do some research into the source of that post. We have had conversations here before about that particular individual (who runs the GW site). Nothing on it is trustworthy or reliable information and if you look at the site itself, you can see that. I will PM you with more info, as we have already had that individual join this site, cause a huge ruckus and leave...although she may have been banned. If you google her name, you will be enlightened, as well.
Revolution is one of the safer parasite preventatives. I would listen to your vet.
Yeah....I internal warning buzzers sounded but sometimes there is still truth to be had....rather be safe than sorry :-) I thought that since it's been a couple years, perhaps someone on DK has had similar experience, if not, I'll not worry..... Thanks!
Some years back, I had a foster who was here for a week before we found out he had a parasitic infection. This was very frightening for me, because Jack's immune system was suppressed at the time and he would have had a problem with the meds if he'd gotten it. His specialist put him on Revolution as a preventative measure against parasites; I take that as a very good endorsement of it's safety.
I have used Revolution on and off for a few years and after a case of mange I now use it all the time and recommend it to my puppy people. I have never had a problem with it nor have I had any of my people report a problem with it. From what I understand though it is only effective with a limited number of ticks though...
Yes, it has been fairly useless for ticks but seems to work well for fleas. Prior to this year, we used Frontline but it was useless on fleas last year.
My vet gives a free PREVENTIC collar with every dose. They work GREAT but I dont use them because I have kids and dont want anyone coming into contact with those chemicals. I do tell people to get the collars if you go camping, hiking, etc and use them at that time. They work really good!
Max (labradoodle) has been on Revolution since he was 4 months old - that's when our vet 1st prescribed it. He is now 2 yrs 2 mths old and hasn't had any problems.