Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi, DK friends! I just wanted to say hi and tell you what's been going on with me lately.
Some of you know that recently I have been having a problem running and jumping. I was trying very hard not to let my mom know about it, because I hate to worry her, and I do have my tough guy image to maintain. But my mom figured out that I wasn't running or getting up on her bed because I couldn't, and not because I didn't want to. These smart moms can be very difficult to manage sometimes.
Today I went to see a new kind of special doctor who knows about bones and nerves and things like that.
He was very nice. He examined me and took some Xrays.
The good news is, I have a lot of very good muscle, and very good muscle tone. I am also very strong. (Gee, I didn't need a doctor to tell me that!) The vet says I do not have hip dysplasia or anything wrong with my legs or my hips. My regular vet thought I had arthritis, but this new doctor does not think I do. That's the good news!
What he does think is that there is something wrong with the lower part of my spine. The Xrays showed something there. It might be something called spondylosis, or it might be something called a herniated disc. They cannot tell exactly what it is without doing a special test called an MRI. The new vet does not think we need to do that yet, and I am glad, because I would have to be asleep for it, and that is kind of scary. The doctor and my mom decided that first we will try a new medicine for two weeks and see if that helps me. The new medicine is for pain. So I have to take two more pills every day, which brings the total number to 14. That's the not-so-good news.
My mom also wanted me to ask you if any of you have used a ramp for your dogs to help them get in and out of the car. I can get out just fine, but I am having some trouble getting in. Today Cassie, my vet tech, had to help lift my butt to help me get in, and I felt so embarrassed about it, I couldn't help crying out loud, which made my mom very sad. So she is looking into getting me something called a ramp so I can get into the car (my mom said tell you it's an SUV) easier. We would be grateful for any recommendations or advice.
Anyway, that's about all for now. I hope you are all having a good summer.
Your friend,
The new medication does not seem to be helping, in fact, it may be making things worse. It's a human anti-seizure drug, Gabapentin. Over the last ten days, he's been experiencing a kind of collapsing of his hind end. It happens randomly when he is just walking, his back legs kind of bow out and his rear end goes down as if he's about to poop, but it's really that his back end just kind of collapses. It only lasts seconds and then he can walk again, but it'a very disturbing and scary. It may not happen for several days and then it will happen repeatedly on a single day. He's also displaying some spatial confusion. So we are discontinuing the meds, and it looks like an MRI will be the next step. I'm going to wait a few days and see how he does without the meds.
Thanks, Maryann! I hope your back and leg are feeling better! My back only hurts when my shoulders are higher than my hips, which is why I can't jump. :(
My mom said thanks for the information about the ramp, she just got a new F & S catalog and she is going to look at it.
Luv, JD
I'm wondering if you can contact a local university? The construction engineering department. The students are young, industrious and willing to try anything. Many colleges though, will not give out a name but you can post on a hallway bulletin board. At least that is how I see it were I work.
Also, Habitat for Humanity has expanded in the areas where they like to reach out. Many times, if you supply the construction materials needed they donate the time.
Still, wish I live closer.
It has been an extremely busy week in my house but I just wrote a reminder to ask F.J. for ideas. He did wonders for Pete and at the time, we were just dating but he knew right away what was needed to make everything work.
He also built steps ( not what you need ) for his elderly beagle so she could get up to bed and cuddle with him for the night.
Note written.
My thoughts- could you have a permanent ramp built and placed so you can just pull the car right up next to it each and every time? Even I helped build a skateboard ramp for my kids in the yard. I'm thinking skateboard ramp blueprints- which I found online, might be the answer here.
Karen, maybe a neighbor kid too? So many need little jobs and many of these kids build these ramps as their very first construction.
This one has too much of a steep, but I found it quick and fast online. Just using it as an example.
Joanne, thank you for giving this so much thought.
I think I need something portable, because the biggest problem has been his getting in the car after a vet or grooming appointment, and he's at the vet just about every week.
If these things weren't so expensive, I would just buy something and try it. But his bills are astronomical as it is, and now with the specter of another four figure procedure looming, I have to try to conserve resources as they say. I'll have to check the return policies. JD is just such a quirky dog, and very hard to coax when he doesn't want to do something. And I have a very hard time with purchase decisions when I'm not well-educated on what I'm purchasing. I am just going to have to make myself research it and figure it out.
Karen, maybe you could start with a thick piece of plywood cut narrower to use as a ramp. It would be cheaper to start and you could decide how steep an angle JD would try and alter the length.
That's what I was thinking; and have my stepson nail a carpet remnant to it. Just for practice, because I don't think I could get it in and out of the car without needing an MRI myself. :)
Totally understand.
Once Pete went blind, this very confident dog sometimes was not so sure about new things. Of course. But he trusted us to make good decisions for him--still, it did take some patience to convince him it was all good. Adding carpet was the turning point for Pete!
With the ramps we found we needed to add Indoor-Outdoor carpeting for assured footing. He felt much more comfortable.
Throw that into the pot of ideas
I did purchase fiberglass ramps when my boys first started and just gave that away last year. Smaller, lightweight and easy to lift. You could even get the carpeting attached to a ramp like this with a heavy duty staple gun.
I'm going to look on ebay etc. or even ask my sons.
p.s. heck ya, I'm giving this lots of thoughts. I'm confident it can be done. Was in your situation myself a few years back but once I found someone who knew exactly what to do--well it worked. I know this can too.
I'll tell you a secret: I'm having a hard time accepting that he's going to need something on a permanent basis. Sssssh, don't tell. ;)
And maybe he wont!
From your mouth, F.....
Let's not go there!!!!
My son's skate and have made many videos ( heck no, I am not showing them here) . They have connections all over the globe.
What do you think of some skateboard thugs coming over and making a ramp? Yes, I am serious.
I know they go to Chicago at least twice a year but I can't think of the college there? Anyway, I can ask them.
Good kids. College kids. But, maybe a little tattooed and scary looking to old ladies like us
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