Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

GROUPS: Recent policy change affecting the formation of Groups on Doodle Kisses

Groups are a fun part of and we'd like them to continue in this way.  However, because of some things that have happened in the past (entire groups [member contributed content and all] being deleted) we have revised our previously unwritten policy of allowing members to form any group they wanted (for the most part). 

New Policy: Members may request a group and that group will be formed by Doodle Kisses.  The requesting member will then be notified when the group has been created and when that individual joins the group, that individual will be promoted to 'administrator' in the group and can lead out as usual. 

This will protect the integrity of the site, and most importantly the time YOU invest in writing and contributing to groups. As things were, a group creator could decide to take down an entire group (and with it your valuable contributions) without anyone else having any say in the matter.  Our new policy prevents this.

There is, however, one exception and I want to explain this so it is not misunderstood.  The one exception is that breeders will continue to be able to create their own groups.  There are two important reasons for this: 1) Breeders 'own' their breeding program, whereas nobody 'owns' a topic of discussion  or geographical location and 2) Doodle Kisses does not endorse any particular breeder, thus if we were to create a breeder alumni group it would appear to promote said breeder(s) and we do not want to give any such impression.

Once you 'create' a group, you will be able to submit it for approval.  Non-breeder groups will be created by Doodle Kisses and then the group submitter will be notified when it is created and then made admin in the group.  This will not add any censorship, but perhaps if the group does not have a clear-to-me purpose I may ask for more clarification about the group idea.

I hope this explains the new policy adequately, if you have questions please ask me here or in private.


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Think it is a great idea!
How exactly do we start the group and then submit it for approval? Do we type out our lead in paragraph and e-mail it to you? Then you post it? I think that is what I am understanding...yes?
You 'start a group' the same way -- but then it is on pause waiting for approval. That sends me a notification and then I start the group. So same process on your end, essentially.
Okay, that sounds easy...thanks!
I think this is a very wise decision, Adina. Thanks for keeping a step ahead of possible problems.
Great idea Adina. Thanks for watching out for all of us!
Much as I hate infringements on freedom, this seems like a good idea. Some of the accumulated wisdom in various groups is very valuable and it would be sad to lose it. To think, our pearls can live on in perpetuity. Good thinking Adina.
Adina,I have made you an administrator of those of my groups to which you belong. Good to know there's a backup. Maybe others would like to do this too.
I have admin rights over all groups...but this still doesn't change the fact a group 'Creator' can delete their group. Past groups are not 'safe.'

Please join my groups so that I can make you an administrator...If I were to then leave the group, would that group be deleted as a result of my leaving?

If not, I will surrender control to you, leave the groups and rejoin as a member with administrative rights.....
Unfortunately it's impossible to hand over "group creator" status at this time. As I said above, I already have admin rights over all groups. But I can't stop someone from deleting a group they created.
Well, I tried : (



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