Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My puppy has very long hair between the pads on his feet. Should I trim it to be no longer than his pads?

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Yes I would. Otherwise it is really slippery on hard flooring.
I would. I trim the hair on both of my boys feet. I just cut it to level with the pads. Neither of them mind having it done (cheese is a wonderful reward!!!) and if you start while he is young, he will get used to it really quickly. If you live somewhere that gets a lot of snow, you will definitely want to trim the paw hair in the winter to try and help stop the snow balling up between his pads.
Things tend to get caught in the hairs between the pads and can cause irritation. We use the shaver and shave down between the pads. I think you need to start it early so they get used to it, but we think the hair between the pads should be gone. Give it a try, really not too hard.
I trim Rosco's. I use scissors around the edges and any hair that sticks out far...and use clippers to get between the pads. He normally hates it so it takes some guess is it is very ticklish.
Adina, What kind (brand/model) of clippers do you use to get the hair between his feet. Also, how do you actually accomplish this? My dog doesn't even like me touching his feet.
I use the Andis Pro 2-speed ACG for all clipping...I do accomplish this but don't do it often and then it takes a lot of patience. I have Rosco lay down and do my best =)
Thank you for your advice we did a trim today and also a nail cut. All went wonderfully.
I cut all the way down between the pads because the hair gets hard and matted in there and seems like it is uncomfortable for them. Dogs perspire through the bottom of their feet, so it is often moist between the pads. Be careful, sometimes their skin grows between each toe pad and if don't notice it you might accidentally cut the skin......ouch! I use our 4" Blunt-tip Curved Scissors.

I trim Cali's hair between the pads with a blunt edge small scissors. Sometimes she tolerates it very well and then other times she wants nothing to do with it. It cuts down on mopping at my house, as it is easier to dry her feet when she has been outside in the rain, etc...



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