Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Usually, I try and get some Halloween pictures of my two dogs each year. Last year, I had some fun costumes, but this year I found I wasn't as creative. We also had a problem with the size of one of my Doodles and trouble squeezing getting him into a few of the things I had selected. I apologize in advance, but this was the best I could do with the models I had to work with for the photo shoot.

First, Fudge and Vern decided to go as crayons for Halloween. Fudge was pink, in honor of Natalie, and Vern was a blue crayon. My DH wanted to find a red crayon outfit for Vern, for reasons you would know if you have paid any attention to my mention of Vern's fondness for the camera, but sadly they only had green or blue. During the photo shoot, the Blue Crayon decided to roll in his costume and emerged from his roll with a muddy head and a muddy crayon costume. One other problem we encountered was the Pink Crayon and the Blue Crayon decided to play tag while I was trying to snap pictures.

I think I had just yelled, "smile," which would explain Fudge's teeth:

Nobody said not to roll!

Next, I tried a Hootiful costume on Fudge. She was not impressed.

Hoo Hoo is inside that costume??

Fudge, Don't look now, but hoo hoo is behind you??

Vern was supposed to be Jimmy Buffett.  When we were on the cruise, I bought him a Women's XL shirt that took me, a shoe horn, and some major muscles to get Vern into and buttoned. As you can see, Vern doesn't seem to mind. Getting it off him was even harder and we quickly scrapped that idea.

Keeping with the pink theme for Fudge, I racked my brain trying to think of someone with pink hair and settled on Nicky Minaj. She is the only celebrity I know of who loves to wear a pink wig.

Another bust, if I do say so myself, because Vern ripped Nicky's outfit in another game of tug of war and Nicky MinajDoodle preferred a wig less look.   The photographer was slightly annoyed at this point and alternated between swearing at her subjects and laughing. We decided to chuck the costumes and go for a walk :)

However, I will leave you with one last image.  Happy Howloweenie!!!!


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Halas wants to be yellow, but he may have some competition from some of the other chicken-doodles.

Tara wants to be yellow-green. She's a chicken doodle plus she is envious of the ones that aren't!

Oh doh, I just realized who Countess Rickula is : ) The name Tara gave it away. How you doing Ricki?

Just so others will know, it is not proper Royal Etiquette to address the Countess as "Ricki". Your Highness or your Royal Highness is acceptable.  However, since F has been given a special dispensation in this matter for today only I will not have to bite her for this infraction.

I'm dong well, thanks F! It is a blustery day here. I think my trees are dancing in sympathy for yours!

: ) Tell your trees a waltz will do, no jitterbugging.

Took you long enough and here, we thought you were a jenius :)

Sometimes being a jenius is a slow slog. But remember, "The mill of God grinds slow,  but it grinds exceeding small. " Somehow that seemed apt :-) 

I wish I could grind this comment in my shredder :) LOL

I love this idea, but I think the costume only comes in 3 colors.

We have a whole year to get it together!! :)

I wonder what color JD will want to be....hee hee??

I'm wondering that myself. Probably black. Or maybe a nice dark brown.



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