Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Adina has promised to include her baby(nicknamed Wiggle Worm , Doodle , Clarkina etc) in a slide show. All we have to do is tag photos for her of babies with doodles. I'm sure we have lots of parents and grandparents who already have some untagged photos on the site and others will rush to take them. If you tag the photos, 2 maximum per person, babydoodle --all one word, lowercase she'll find them at the click of a button. Babies, doodles and technology together--priceless!

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For me, when it got close to the end I had a real hard time sleeping. Someone told me it's nature's way of getting Moms ready to be up with the baby during those first few weeks (hopefully only weeks). The same thing happened with my daughters. I think it's because we just can't wait to see her/'s just way too exciting to sleep through.
Yeah...I'm just excited.
Not sure I agree with "Nature" though ;-) I think being put into a coma of 10 hours of sleep each night prior to baby would do MUCH more to prepare me for lack of sleep .. LOL.
That happens at the end... "They" say it's the baby's way of getting you ready for those sleepless nights! Anxiously waiting to see those pics! hang in there!



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