Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi ya'll just wanted to drop in and introduce myself

I am Michael Steinle and my wife is Laura, we have a 2 1/2 yr old Labradoodle named Notcha, We are currentlyt in Salina Ks but will be moving to Pheonix Az in about 4 months because I am going to be attending MMI (Motorcycle Mechanics Institute) down there. We are just looking for other Doods for Notcha to meet and play with as she has never got the chance to play with other doods. Hope to be able to meet some of ya'll when we get there.

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A couple more pics of Notcha
Welcome to DoodleKisses and to Phoenix when you get here! I live in Scottsdale and there are several of us in the area on this site! I love the name did you come up with that? I am sure there is a good story there somewhere! 4 months you will be in Phoenix. Are you prepared? It will be just ending the long summer by then...LOL. It is a dry heat after all :)
Welcome to DoodleKisses, Michael, Laura, and Notcha! We're looking forward to your arrival in Phoenix. Like Susan, I live in Scottsdale - although the whole Phoenix valley just seems like one big city now! :-) Notcha is gorgeous and I'm sure Penny (my Goldendoodle) and Marlow (Susan's Goldendoodle) would love to meet her! Keep us posted on your move, and what Notcha is up to!

Susan Actually not much to the story of her name, I still don't even know how it came about and most people can't say it right but it is just like it sounds (to me atleast) No Sh A. Yep we will be in Phoenix the first week of Sept as I start classes Oct. 12th and got ALOT to get done by then. We will be visiting the area the week of July 20th though to find housing and tour the school

MicheleThank you Notcha is OUR baby and I couldn't live without her, I am sure she will love meeting up with Penny and Marlow as she loves playing. Not sure how she will take the heat though cause she loves the cold and snow we get here. The hard part about this move is we know NOBODY so we will be there with NO friends or familey
Well, summer takes a little getting used to, but Notcha will be OK. You'll have to take her out for walks very early in the a.m. because after that the pavement is simply too hot - it would burn her paws. You'll find the "summer rhythm" as things go along. And I understand about Notcha's love of snow and cold. We've had snow a couple of times up here in Scottsdale (!) and Penny went bonkers. And the colder the temps, the happier she is!

Be sure to let us know if you have any questions or need info on the move - we're here to help!
I'm in Seattle so, I'll welcome you to Doodle Kisses and let the Pheonix locals do the rest. :)
Well, I'm in Wichita and was so happy to see another Kansan! But, then I read on and saw that you were leaving this great state. :-( There are so few Kansans on here....well I know of 4 (including you). Haha!

But welcome anyway! Maybe we can get the doods together before you leave! Hope you learn as much from this site as I have.
Missi well we still have some time before we leave so maybe we can let the Doods get togeather. Notcha has never gotten to play with anoughter Dood and I know she would love it.



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