Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello!! Chloe and I are new to DK and have already started getting involved with a few discussions. :) 

Chloe is a 2 1/2 year old Goldendoodle F1B.  She keeps busy with hiking, walking, playing fetch, swimming and fooling around with her two fur-brother and sister.  She is also a Certified Saint John Ambulance Therapy Dog, so we do a lot of visits at the retirement / old age homes together.  

I'm looking forward to connecting with other doodle owners and learn from their experiences. 

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Chloe is beautiful!

Thank you!  Your pup is pretty cute too!  How old is yours? 

Thanks! In the pic Marley is 7 weeks. He's 9 weeks now and growing quickly.

Awww too cute. They do grow up rather quickly, don't they?   What size will your doodle be? Chloe is about 60 pounds. 

We are thinking about 60lbs.

I think that it is a perfect size. Not too large and not too small ;)  

New territory for us. Our other little ones are only 8lbs. & 18lbs.

Oh wow!  Yes, you are in for a change for sure.  I have 3 dogs of 3 different sizes, so I'm used to a variety.  90lbs, 60lbs and 20lbs.   I had a Maltese many years ago, he was 7lbs, so I can understand what you will be adapting to.  Everything will be larger: bedding, food bowls, toys, food, vet bills... 

Looking forward to everything but the vet bills...Uggg!

Chloe has such calm eyes.  I am sure she helps those she visits.  Welcome.  Be sure to look for and join all the groups that interest you.

Thank you.  I've joined a couple of groups so far. Still learning the ropes ;) 



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