Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Thanks everyone for all your comments. I'm closing this discussion now. I've found Rudy a wonderful home very close to mine. My new doodle will come soon.

I have a doodle on order (2nd dog) - then I've had the opportunity to care for a standard poodle puppy (4 Months).
He's just adorable. Is there a reason I should just not keep him - he needs a home - Yes, he is prissy looking but his disposition is fabulous. I don't know what to do. I don't enter into the care of dogs lightly.

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OK everyone - I've got your vote and Thank You. I'll let you know on Monday. DH will give me his vote by then and I have to consider that too (I guess).
Wow Cathy, I haven't been on here much lately and just saw this. He is adorable and it looks like he and Fergie are great buddies already. If you decide not to keep him and need a home for him, let me know, I may be able to help you out.
I was going to say the same thing, Lynn. I'm just south of the IL-WI border, and boy, would I love to have those big eyes looking up at me!
What a cutie, I would keep him without hesitation! I am actually in the EXACT same situation, we have a GD on order, and agreed to foster a 10 week old LD, thinking it would be a nice way to prepare for the GD. Well, long story short the LD is here to stay. We've asked the breeder to roll over the GD deposit for a few litters until we are ready, it will make dog # 3!



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