I'm not sure. On the DRC site the URL (thank you) for my page is "KarenJack". And that's a fairly new site, so it must have something to do with how you registered yourself when you first joined a site. Here on DK, I was originally just "Karen"...I must have been the 56th person who registered herself as "Karen". Then Adina suggested that because there were so many "Karens", it might be a better idea to change my profile name to something that would be a little more distinctive, so I added "& Jack". But the original URL must stay the same.
I only see Ricki with a number after it. I think when people sign up with their full name and later change it ... then it retains their original sign in name in the address bar.
I originally signed up i used my first and last name... then changed it to Barbara B & Sasha after I saw the posts on google. It seems that it is still grabbing the Barbara B posts.
Thanks Nancy, I just went in and changed my "address" as you suggested. Then I went back to Google to see if anything had changed. This time my profile page still came up on the search but when I clicked on it it shows that the "page cannot be found". So that is a great improvement. Now I'm going to check into the Ricki and Tara issue. Thanks for your help!
Okay, yes, we DO come up again in Google under Ricki & Tara. I haven't been a member of DK very long but my blogs are what came up in the search. And since my profile page is not set on private anyone could just click into it from the blog page. Well, they could anyhow just from visiting DK I guess. Maybe I should change my page to private. This is my first experience with an on line community so I'm pretty ignorant about the privacy issues involved.
If you change your page to private, even DK members who are not on your friends list can't leave you a comment, birthday greeting, ask you a question, look at your photos or videos, etc. That's the drawback to having your page set to "private".
I try not to keep anything very private on my page. But I find that all the pages set to private really prevent DK members like me, from innocently checking to see what kind of doodles, or look at pictures, that others have posted.