Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone :)

I have a 5 month old miniature goldendoodle puppy. She is nothing like what we were expecting. She hates being touched, will back away if we try to pet her, doesn't cuddle...if we try to put her on the sofa with us she jumps to the floor. she's really aggressive...bites us like mad and only bites harder when we yell NO or hit her snout/spray water. we've had her since she was 8 weeks old and have been consistently training her EVERY DAY, but NOTHING. she still jumps on furniture, attacks our socks, steals stuff from the coffee table etc. 

when we bought her we thought she'd be an affectionate, cuddly, friendly girl...but she's the complete opposite. it's making us sad, and we're starting to lose hope. have any of you had this problem? do you think she'll change or is this just her personality? i don't understand why she's like this. 

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Thanks Rebecca...I'll stop with the snout hitting and yelling. She is really smart so maybe a gentler approach will work indeed :)

If she is food motivated, tiny treats will be your best friend. 'Nothing in life is free' is the way we work here and positive re-inforcment at that age.

I think you have lots to digest from very good advice from everyone. One more thing to add from my experience is that not all doodles are cuddly. Willow is sweet on its own, and she got much more cuddly than she used to be, but she still avoids petting - she might be afraid of people extending hand toward her - unless she's already down and is asking for a tummy rub. She sits beside my hubby and watch TV together, but that's probably because he usually has a treat bowl (very small one with her kibbles) on the side table, and it's winter now. During warmer months, she gets hot very easily and the only spot she likes is hardwood floor in front of the front door or on top of AC vents. Even with all these, she has other ways to show her affection: she brings toys to us when she wants attention; she is beyond control with joy every time we come home; she lays down near us on the floor just so that her paw, nose, or part of her body touches ours ever so slightly.

Aw, Willow sounds so sweet! Maya also goes crazy with joy when I come home from school/work, so I know she doesn't hate me...she just doesn't like cuddling I guess :)

My ALD was very nippy also as a puppy.  He would jump on everyone and bite them on the hands.  Whenever he was coming near me I would raise my hands into the air and say  "ahh, ahh, ahh" and he stopped that behavior with me.  He bit my husband for a longer time.  It was just his puppy personality and he wanted attention.  Where did you get your puppy?  Hopefully from a qualified breeder?  I am also wondering what her breeding was?  Is she an F1b?  That would be a goldendoodle bred back to a miniature poodle.  She may be even smaller than that.  Might it be a miniature goldendoodle bred back to something smaller (like a toy poodle)?  Breeding is so important and that is why using a recommended breeder is necessary.  But, that aside, don't punish her for biting you.  It works better to reward acceptable behavior than to punish bad behavior.  Also, what about exercise?  Does she love going out and do you get her out often enough.  My dogs really require daily exercise.  Make sure she is meeting lots of people and other dogs.  She is old enough to be out of the house a lot.  These dogs are very energetic.  Find an area where she can run, run, run.  It might get out some of that energy.  My absolutely fantastic goldendoodle used to eat or chew up anything he could find around the house so I learned to put everything behind closed closet doors or up on high areas.  I still put my shoes up on the windowsill in the bathroom and he has not chewed up things in years.  Make sure everything you do not want him to take is put away (at least for now).  Things will get better.  Promise.

It wasn't a reputable breeder :(. We realized once we got there. All the pups looked healthy and playful so we took one. She's from a golden retriever bred to a miniature poodle. I saw the pure golden retriever mom and she was really small. The breeder said they look for small ones on purpose. I take Maya to puppy socialization groups every Tuesday but she doesn't play with the puppies..she just walks around sniffing the owners and walls. We stopped letting her run around the backyard because she got a yeast infection in her ears from sticking her head under the snow so much (that's what the vet thinks). Other than that, lots of playing and training in the house, car rides and play dates with other pups. Thanks for the kind words :) 

the only possible reason she might have got a yeast infection from the snow is that inside her ears were left damp. I would let her run and run lots to get rid of that energy. A tired puppy is a good puppy. Just make sure you dry her ears well when she comes inside. 

I agree. And clean them well once a week. At this point I can go 2-3 weeks but cleaning keeps the ever present yeast from thriving.
So sorry this is happening, when we get those new puppies we want nothing more than to snuggle with them. When my female Westie was a puppy, so was not an affectionate dog at all. She could have cared less about getting strokes, praise and attention. All of that changed when she was about 4, now she loves, loves, loves, to be in your lap, getting belly rubs and just being sweet. She has never kissed us on the face, when she is EXTREMELY affectionate she will give you about 4 licks on the hand. Just like people so are dogs in some regards. Good luck and I hope that things work out.

Truly, I think what you have is a puppy  :)

He is trying to play with you by stealing your things. My dog is 5 and will still steal my things to initiate play.  

This takes time.  Great dogs are not born, they are made. Great dog relationships are formed and bonded over time.

Puppies really dont cuddle unless they are tired and they need exercise, every hour to achieve this exhaustion.  Sadly, these are not stuffed animals but real animals!   :)  

It took years for my dog to recognize the difference between play time and rest time.

You've already been told here about the snout smacking but may I add a bit of interesting information.   Dogs are known for a remarkable ability to smell. One reason might be that all their nerve endings are in this area.  Dont damage this area.

Stay with us here and learn about POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT, exercise, training, bonding. 

You really do have a PUPPY. You have some work to do and I am positive you can achieve the relationship you so desire by learning all about dogs  :)

Did you get her from a breeder?  She doesn't sound like a typical doodle.  If she's from a breeder, did you get to meet/interact with her parents?  Sounds like you may need to seek professional training to help with this.  Doodles are not cheap and you expect a good natured dog.  My labradoodle went through a period starting at 10 weeks old with growling at us when we went to pick him up, but I think he was trying to assert himself as pack leader.  Consistency with training and showing her who is pack leader is definitely key.  Cooper is 2.5 years old now and is a lovebug.  Good luck!


Thanks! She's from a backyard breeder...met the mom and she was very afraid of people :( Now I know better. Hopefully she changes once those puppy teeth fall out. 



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